Other Events

Project S.O.S. The first annual Project Save Our Surf (S.O.S.) event, co-hosted by surfer Shaun Tomson and actress Tanna Frederick, took place in Santa Monica, CA on April 5, 2009. Project S.O.S. began with an all-day surfing event for the community and ended with an evening gala hosted by actor Noah Wyle that was held … Read more

World Oceans Day with La Mer

Since 2005, La Mer has worked with Oceana to promote ocean protection and restoration. La Mer has supported Oceana’s Partners Award Gala, which honors outstanding work in the field of marine conservation. In 2009, in celebration of the United Nations’ designation of June 8 as World Oceans Day, La Mer hosted nationwide retail events in … Read more

SeaChange Summer Party

Oceana held its first SeaChange Summer Party on July 18, 2008 at the Cahill Estate in Laguna Beach, California. The event was hosted by Valarie Whiting, Julie Hill and Ted Danson. The 2008 honorees included actor and board member of Conservation International, Harrison Ford; actor and Oceana board member, Sam Waterston; and internationally-acclaimed sustainability entrepreneur, … Read more

Partners Award Gala

The Partners Award Gala is an annual benefit for Oceana. The event has been held annually in the Los Angeles area and is attended by hundreds of guests from the entertainment, business and philanthropic communities. Established in 1994 by American Oceans Campaign (which merged with Oceana in 2002), the event honors individuals who have made … Read more

Learn more: Impacts of Climate Change

Ocean Acidification As carbon dioxide levels increase in the atmosphere, the amount the oceans absorb also increases, leading to chemical changes that result in the oceans becoming more acidic. While the oceans are becoming more acidic, they are still on the basic side of the pH scale (basic – neutral – acidic). It is highly … Read more

Learn more: Signs of climate change

The signs of a warming planet are all around us and the impacts are already being felt in significant ways. These early signs include increasing ocean acidity, melting glaciers, plant and animal range shifts, increased spread of disease, coral reef bleaching, intensified storms, severe droughts and smoldering heat waves. The following facts are hard to … Read more

Learn more: Global Warming Pollution Sources

The largest source of carbon dioxide emissions globally is the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas in power plants, automobiles and industrial facilities. Carbon dioxide is the major driver of global warming. Although carbon dioxide is produced naturally by volcanoes, the decay of dead plant matter and natural forest fires, almost … Read more

Learn more: Greenhouse gases

The most common and most important greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Black carbon is also a potent warmer, although not a greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide (CO2) This greenhouse gas is present in relatively low concentrations in the atmosphere; prior to the Industrial Revolution, it made up about 0.03 percent of the … Read more

Learn more: The Greenhouse Effect

The Earth is habitable because it has a protective blanket of greenhouse gases surrounding it. This blanket traps heat from the sun and allows the Earth to stay at an optimal temperature for life to exist. If this blanket becomes too thick or thin, the Earth’s temperature will respond by becoming too hot or cold … Read more

Learn more: Climate Change Basics

Since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been increasing (top graph), this has been closely followed by an increase in global temperatures (lower graph). (Robert Simmon/NASA) Global warming is an increase in the Earth’s temperature caused by an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases make … Read more