Baltic: Species at Risk

A rich and varied biodiversity, composed by healthy stocks of marine species, plants and their habitats is crucial for the proper functioning of the Baltic ecosystem. Due to the special conditions of the Baltic, only a handful of the so called “cornerstone” species form the basis of the marine food web. Baltic cod is one … Read more

Fisheries in the Baltic

Overfishing and destructive fishing practices like bottom trawling represent a major threat to the Baltic ecosystems. In 2008, fishermen from all the surrounding countries caught more than 50 different fish species in the Baltic, for a total of 742 thousand tons of fish. Finland, Sweden and Poland are the largest Baltic fishing nations. Sprat and … Read more

Feature: Global Warming Causes the Disappearance of Corals and Beaches

Did you know that the climate change is the main cause of the disappearance of corals and gorgonians in the Mediterranean? Increased global temperature is causing a series of significant changes around the world. Melting ice caps and glaciers cause the sea level to rise, hurricanes are stronger and more frequent, droughts alternate with floods … Read more

Learn more:The Case of France

French drift nets known as thonailles were used to catch pelagic species, including immature bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Lion. This illegal gear was used with connivance and support from the French government, taking advantage of a legal loophole in EU legislation.  However, Oceana reported these vessels since the ban on drift nets came … Read more

Learn more: Boat Description

Name: Ranger Official Number: 921593 MMSI: 235116965 Call Sign: 2JLQ9 Flag: United Kingdom (UK) Port: Falmouth Gross Tonnage: 43,80 Type of boat: Aluminium Catamaran designed by Lock Crowthers, built in 1986 in Oregon. It is one of the largest doublemasted catamarans in the world. Dimensions: Length: 71 feet (21,64 meters) Breadth 32 feet (9,63 meters) Engines: … Read more

Pacific Northwest

Oregon is home to a magnificent underwater environment, producing valuable fisheries and diverse seafloor habitats. Deep underwater canyons like Astoria Canyon where the Columbia River meets the ocean are home to a variety of coral and sponge habitats (links).   Heceta Bank off the Oregon Coast is a hotspot for black corals. Their complex branches … Read more

Learn more: Deep-sea Corals and Sponges

Deep-sea corals and sponges, some of the oldest animals on Earth, grow at the rate of just a few millimeters each year and can live for thousands of years. In recent years, scientists worldwide have discovered that the majority of the coral species found in the world’s oceans live in deep or cold waters. Deep-sea … Read more

Learn more: Other Threats to Sea Turtles

Along with fishing gear and climate change, there are numerous human activity  threats to sea turtles. These threats include coastal development, pollution, direct harvest, invasive species and vessel strikes. Coastal Development With the encroachment of hotels, parking lots and housing along nesting beaches, female turtles are forced to use suboptimal nesting habitats. After emerging from their … Read more