Essential Fish Habitats

EU fisheries ministers continue to disregard science and to overfish stocks on the basis of short-sighted socio-economic arguments. It is undeniable that the Union’s Member States must act immediately to stop overfishing and to recover all stock above healthy levels by 2020, at the latest. To achieve this objective, an effective protection of Essential Fish … Read more

The Sound: Biodiversity, threats, and transboundary protection

The waters of the Sound – the shared strait that lies between Denmark and Sweden – host a high level of biodiversity, and a unique mosaic of marine communities and habitats, including stone reefs, seagrass beds, horse mussel beds, and kelp forests. This diversity is due to the specific characteristics of the area, the combined … Read more

Oceana’s Contribution with respect to the Commission’s Proposal to issue a Communication on an Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Atlantic Basin

Oceana considers that the Atlantic basin’s characteristics differ enough from other marine regions to require a specific policy. Nevertheless, this policy will be even more useful if it incorporates more sectors where fishing, protection of marine habitats or energy are some of the main aspects. The commission’s introduction of a framework of integrated marine governability … Read more

Fishing opportunities recommendations. North-East Atlantic stocks 2017

According to the information reflected in the European Commission communication and an independent scientific study commissioned by Oceana, fishing mortality rates in the NE Atlantic are still clearly above the committed levels required to meet sustainable objectives. This in turn is threatening the status of the stocks and leading to the under-exploitation of fish resources. … Read more

Reflagging by EU fishing vessels

The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts and WWF are working together to secure the harmonised and effective implementation of the European Union’s (EU) Regulation to end illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The EU has been active in fighting IUU fishing at a global level through its innovative and ambitious IUU … Read more

Exploitation and Status of European Stocks – Froese Report

Executive Summary Stock assessments are presented for 397 stocks in 14 European ecoregions, from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. Surplus production modeling was used to estimate fisheries reference points in a maximum sustainable yield (MSY) framework. Fishing pressure and biomass were estimated from 2000 to the last year with available data (2013-2015). Results … Read more

Exploitation and Status of European Stocks

Stock assessments are presented for 397 stocks in 14 European ecoregions, from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. Surplus production modeling was used to estimate fisheries reference points in a maximum sustainable yield (MSY) framework. Fishing pressure and biomass were estimated from 2000 to the last year with available data (2013-2015). Results are presented … Read more

Towards the recovery of European Fisheries

To get the full picture of European fi sheries, Oceana has commissioned the most comprehensive scientifi c study1 ever made on the status of European fi sh stocks and their potential productivity if sustainably managed. The fi ndings of this independent study confi rm that only a minority of European stocks can be considered as … Read more

Froese Report

To get the full picture of European fisheries, Oceana commissioned the most comprehensive scientific study ever made on the status of European fish stocks and their potential productivity if sustainably managed. The findings of this independent study confirms that only a minority of European stocks can be considered as well managed, and although there is … Read more