Swedish Spawning Ground

The day started a little earlier than our average day, with an rov dive before breakfast. Not much was observed during the dive and the rov was back on board after less than an hour of diving.The boat quickly proceeded to the next location, which was a small bank at about 16 meters depth. This … Read more

Back in action

Today, after a few hours on a train from Copenhagen I have arrived to Stockholm, to finally join our Expedition team again. Unfortunately we can’t just stay at the sea for the whole time and other duties called me back to the office about 3 weeks ago, but today I got back on board of … Read more

Bogskär seals catcasses retrieved for analysis

Yesterday morning, a team of divers from the Oceana research vessel Hanse Explorer led a Finnish Coast Guard patrol boat to a site close to Bögskar skerry, a small island 30 miles south of Marienhamn. Over one week earlier at this location, the environmentalists spotted at least a dozen dead seals of different sizes, at … Read more

A Day in Stockholm

This time we dropped anchor in Stockholm. The ROV team receive the visit of a technician for maintenance of this delicate and extremely expensive instrument. Others go out for a walk and to visit the city. I meet a Swedish colleague whom I hadn’t seen in 3 years and who is a good family friend. … Read more

Port call in Stockholm

We arrived to Stockholm at 09:00 am today, after four hours of a very nice sailing through the myriad of charming islands of the archipelago. In this port we have a change of Baltic team members. Christina Abel (Dk) is leaving the ship temporally, while Andrzej Bialas (Pol) is joining for another period of time … Read more

The mystery of the dead seals

Today was an odd day. A few days ago, we published the news that we had located about a dozen dead seals near the Bogskär lighthouse (Åland Island). This news was widely picked up by the media, and some countries are interested in finding out the cause of these deaths. For this reason, we returned … Read more

We can feel our hands again

As we sailed south, water temperature rose. Now we are on parallel 60. We have come down from parallel 65, the latitude of central Alaska, northern Iceland, and the Bering Strait, all very cold areas. These days, water temperature has risen to a “warm” 4ºC, almost 4 degrees more than in the North. This makes … Read more

The desert sea

The days go by with our expedition activities. Scuba diving on waters shallower than 20 meters,  ROV operations with the “Hanse Explorer” on anchor up to 50 m, and drifting with the ROV when in deeper waters down to the bottom this northern part of the Bothnian Sea.  160 meters are the largest deeps in … Read more

The Rov Record

After a brief morning meeting, we went out in the Zodiac’s to dive two different locations. The locations are within an area Finland is planning to make into a MPA (Marine Protected Area). The findings of the dives will be reported to the Finish government to help with their assessment of the area. Once back … Read more