Baltic Sea Expeditions highlight critical need for marine protected areas

Based on the findings of three expeditions, Oceana has proposed 13 areas of high ecological importance to become new marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea. Most of them host species and breeding grounds classified by HELCOM as threatened and vulnerable. Species like the rare Haploops crustacean, and the blue mussel-like horse mussel, though not … Read more

Remembering Cousteau

Today marks 15 years since the death of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, a name that is synonymous with the ocean. This French conservationist, diver, filmmaker, author, photographer (and the list goes on) is responsible for educating millions around the world about the wonders of the world’s oceans – and today, we want to honor that legacy and … Read more

Deaths of seal pups discovered by Oceana in Finland linked to natural causes

An analysis showed that the animals died from blows against rocks and drowning during a storm. No sign of parasites, illnesses or human inflicted damage were found on the bodies. “We are grateful to the governments of Finland and the Åland islands for their quick investigation and transparency into the deaths of these seal pups,” … Read more

Oceana concludes second Baltic Sea Expedition

The expedition, which launched in April 2012, covered 4500 miles, carried out 112 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) operations, 30 scuba dives and collected 41 samples and 20 CTD recordings. Findings will be used to trigger better conservation of the Baltic Sea ecosystems and improve the management of the human activities which threaten them. Effective fisheries … Read more

The Baltic Expedition comes to a close

Well, it’s over. The 2012 Baltic Expedition has come to a close, the gear has been off-loaded in Copenhagen and the on-board team is (hopefully) getting a bit of rest. For those of us unlucky enough to miss out on the experience of participating in this type of expedition, it’s hard to imagine what the … Read more

Oceana Baltic Expedition is over

The 2012 Oceana Baltic Expedition is about to finish. While we keep carrying out the intensive fishing fleet investigation on the field in which we have been involved in the last days, we are gradually approaching Copenhagen again. In that harbor we will be ending this year’s voyage, after almost two months at sea. The … Read more

Diving offshore and more bottom samples

After having a day with nice weather yesterday, today is foggy, windy, and rainy. Our plan for today is to make a scuba dive near a buoy in Kattegat and collect more bottom samples. The divers jumped into the big waves from the zodiac, and found an exposed sandy bottom, with many starfish, but else … Read more

Coming to a close

This morning we sailed to Kattegat from Copenhagen. Once we were in the area, we spent the day taking seabed samples with trawls and diving, and, in between, we packed all the gear we don’t use to send it back.  Yesterday most of our colleagues left. Enrique Talledo, the video cameraman who has worked so … Read more

Oceana ambassador Alexandra Cousteau dives into Baltic Expedition

As part of her ongoing collaboration with Oceana, Alexandra Cousteau granddaughter of ocean legend Jacques Cousteau, recently joined the international marine conservation’s Baltic Expedition. Cousteau, an avid diver will for the first time ever, explore the brackish waters of the Baltic and collect data that will assist Oceana in conservation and fisheries management proposals. “I’ve … Read more

Friday Meet & Greet: Fourhorn Sculpin

This picture is one of our favorite of the week. The Baltic expedition continues to reward us with some incredible images! Have you been following our updates? We’ve been posting new pictures and videos regularly and our expedition leader has been tweeting their progress since the expedition launched!