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May 29, 2012

Back in action

BY: Andrzej Bialas


© OCEANA / Carlos Suárez


Andrzej Bialas - Baltic Sea Project Policy AdvisorToday, after a few hours on a train from Copenhagen I have arrived to Stockholm, to finally join our Expedition team again. Unfortunately we can’t just stay at the sea for the whole time and other duties called me back to the office about 3 weeks ago, but today I got back on board of Hanse Explorer. I’m very excited, the mood on board is better than ever and I hope it stays the same all the way until we finish the cruise.

We spent the day in Stockholm, letting our crew have some well-earned rest and resupplying the ship and doing some ROV conservation so that it stays in good shape. After discussing our plans for the next few days we have decided to sail south towards Poland – our next stop, doing some diving in Swedish waters on our way there.