Natura 2000 Network: Learn More

Feature: The Natura 2000 Network What is the Habitats Directive? It is the European directive concerning conservation of the environment, which all Member States must follow through adequate protection and management of the habitats and species of community interest (namely, threatened, vulnerable, rare, and endemic habits and species). What is a SCI? A SCI (Site … Read more

Natura 2000 Network: What Oceana Does

Oceana launches expeditions to document the existence of habitats and species requiring protection. With this first-hand information, we make specific conservation proposals which we promote before politicians and social agents so that they can be implemented. In addition, Oceana is a partner in Spain of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project, whose aim is to document areas … Read more

Natura 2000 Network: Learn More

Feature: The Natura 2000 Network What is the Habitats Directive? It is the European directive concerning conservation of the environment, which all Member States must follow through adequate protection and management of the habitats and species of community interest (namely, threatened, vulnerable, rare, and endemic habits and species). What is a SCI? A SCI (Site … Read more

Natura 2000 Network: What Oceana Does

Oceana launches expeditions to document the existence of habitats and species requiring protection. With this first-hand information, we make specific conservation proposals which we promote before politicians and social agents so that they can be implemented. In addition, Oceana is a partner in Spain of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project, whose aim is to document areas … Read more

Natura 2000 Network: Overview

The Habitats Directive is the EU golden standard for nature conservation, as it lists species and habitats of community interest for the conservation of which Member States must create protected areas. Few of them are in the marine domain: 18 species and 5 habitats. These protected areas constitute the Natura 2000 Network. In the first … Read more