
The swordfish is an iconic, fast-swimming and peculiar predator of the Mediterranean Sea.  Its fishery (a place for raising and harvesting fish) contributes significantly to the socio-economic activity in the Mediterranean region-especially in Greece, Italy and Spain-where swordfish is consumed the most. When sold fresh, its price tag can reach up to €24 per kilo. … Read more

Gorringe Bank

The impressive Gorringe Seamount is located about 250 km southwest of Cape San Vicente. Its summit is located about 30 meters from the surface and its base is over 5,000 meters deep, so you can find a variety of species living in areas near the sea illuminated surface to those living in dark depths. In … Read more

Species at Risk: Jellyfish

Scientists do not know what could be the reason of increased jellyfish population. The increase of  sea water temperature due to climate change, the reduction in the number of predators due to over-fishing and the increase in nutrients due to contamination of the coasts can  be some of the reasons. The superabundance of jellyfish does not happen … Read more

Threats to Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles and Climate Change The following effects of climate change will have critical implications for sea turtles: Severe Storms More severe storms, such as hurricanes and tropical cyclones, could increase beach erosion rates, endangering sea turtle nesting habitat. Often  severe storms could increase the chance that sea turtle nests will flood, decreasing nesting success … Read more

Bluefin Tuna

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is an emblematic species that has been driven toward extinction by overfishing (mainly due to the industrial purse seine fishery and their capture for fattening in cages) and international trade. The bluefin tuna is a predator and, as such, is in the highest positions in the food chain, playing an … Read more

ICCAT: Swordfish

Oceana Recommendations for an effective management framework for Mediterranean swordfish under ICCAT (PDF) Mediterranean swordfish management has repeatedly been ignored to the detriment of the conservation of this species. Despite the status of the stock, and the absence of reliable data on real catch and fleet participation, the fishery has remained an open access one. … Read more

ICCAT: Sharks

Sharks throughout the world’s oceans are subjected to high catch levels in fisheries, as both targeted and incidental catches. Globally, scientists have noted that three-quarters of oceanic pelagic sharks and rays have an increased risk of extinction as a result of overfishing. Sharks are caught in conjunction with many ICCAT fisheries, including by some longline … Read more

ICCAT: Bluefin Tuna

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is an emblematic species that has been driven close to extinction in the past by overfishing and international trade demand. The most recent scientific assessments show signs of recovery, but uncertainties remain about the status of bluefin in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna is a top … Read more


Mercury is a dangerous chemical, finding its way into the oceans and the seafood we eat. Mercury released to the environment from industrial sources ends up in our oceans, contaminating seafood. Because it builds up in wildlife through a process called bioaccumulation, animals high on the food chain carry the most mercury. Many of the … Read more