Blue Manifesto

Blue Manifesto: A rescue plan that works In January 2020, over 100 organisations, led by six NGOs —BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, Oceana, Seas At Risk, Surfrider Foundation Europe, and WWF— launched the Blue Manifesto, a rescue plan outlining specific actions to protect our oceans and coastlines by 2030. The Blue Manifesto is a comprehensive document detailing … Read more

Recovering North Sea Fish Stocks through Marine Habitat Protection

The North Sea is one of the most heavily impacted water bodies in the world. Centuries of human activities have placed its marine ecosystems under heavy pressure, resulting in extensive and significant changes in ecosystem structure and function. Intensive fishing activity – particularly bottom-trawling – has driven the near disappearance of certain species and habitats, … Read more

Turning the Tide on EU Seas with Green Recovery

The paper dives into examples of investment opportunities in an effort to illustrate how a green recovery for the oceans is possible, for instance by: Actively restoring marine ecosystems, such as rebuilding oyster reefs and fish passages in coastal dams — This can stimulate economic activities in sectors such as marine construction while increasing fish … Read more