Turning the Tide on EU Seas with Green Recovery

The paper dives into examples of investment opportunities in an effort to illustrate how a green recovery for the oceans is possible, for instance by: Actively restoring marine ecosystems, such as rebuilding oyster reefs and fish passages in coastal dams — This can stimulate economic activities in sectors such as marine construction while increasing fish … Read more

Oceana welcomes new EU Biodiversity Strategy as critical to rebuilding marine resilience and enabling a ‘blue’ future for Europe

Oceana welcomes the European Commission’s much expected new 10-year plan, presented today, to save biodiversity and its ambition to deliver urgent action to protect the environment – something that 90% of EU citizens support (Eurobarometer Survey). Restoring healthy, well-functioning and resilient natural ecosystems is also central to the European Green Deal and has become an … Read more

15 biodiversity hotspots that lie deep beneath – a plea for protection

Amazing ocean-life discoveries Did you know how many amazing and unusual features lie deep in our ocean, some of whose uniqueness allows whole ecosystems to live within them? Here are some Oceana discovered in European waters on our research expeditions: 3D yellow tree coral (Dendrophyllia cornigera, Galicia – Spain) The 3D shape of its branches … Read more

Oceana urges strong ambition to restore nature and oceans, EU to lead by example

Today the European Commission and the UN Environment Programme launched a Global Coalition for Biodiversity, building momentum ahead of the international negotiations of the UN Convention of Biological Diversity COP15 in China in October 2020. Oceana welcomes this call for action and urges all governments to agree on ambitious post-2020 targets that protect oceans effectively, … Read more