The weather gives us a rest

We normally say that the weather gives us a rest when it is improving after many days of bad weather. But in this case is the opposite. We have rested only one day in the last 18 and the bad weather has obliged us to stop for a while. This morning, as the wind continues … Read more

10 may 2012

Today we planned to dive with the ROV near the Hanko Peninsula (FIN), but the military authorities in Finland, have not allowed us to submerge the ROV in its territorial waters, so we decided to head to exclusive economic zone waters for our work. However, we found a lot of wind and waves as we … Read more

8 may 2012

Today’s goal is to find, using the ROV, a group of small mountains that rise from 50 to 15 m deep, checking that they really exist and can be filmed. We reach our first stop, the ship drops anchor and after a quick breakfast we start to work. The ROV has some trouble surfacing which … Read more

Klints Bank and East of Gotland, a future MPA in the heart of the Baltic Sea

In the past few days, Oceana has been working in the area around the Klints Bank, in the center of the Baltic Proper and in the shallow areas east of the Island of Gotland, to identify biological communities. We plan to provide this information to the Swedish Government so they can designate it as a … Read more

Ghost Mountain

After having had to run from the weather, we spend the night for anchor, just outside Gotland, Sweden. After breakfast we got the scuba equipment ready, launched the Zodiac’s and went to dive near a tiny island not far from the anchorage.We found huge amounts of flat fish, but hardly anything else. One reason for … Read more

Strong winds at the Klints bank

Klints bank is beautiful shallow area right in the middle of the Baltic Sea, next to the Gotland deep. It is one of the very few shallower spots in offshore waters and therefore provides an important area with valuable resources for plenty of creatures, including fish. Last year we surveyed the area and proposed it … Read more

Södra Midsjöbanken

Today, we have been researching in and around Södra Midsjöbanken, an underwater hill or bank in the Swedish South part of the Baltic Proper. In the shallowest area the well-known rocks with mussels (Mytilus trossulus) covered by hyrdoids and bryozoans. The divers have also found lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) , many small gobies (Pomastochistus spp.) and … Read more

Jellyfish beauty in the Baltic

Aside from the important scientific data we gather to use in promoting the designation of Marine Protected Areas, one of the best (and my favorite) outcomes of our at-sea expeditions are the incredibly beautiful images that our photographers capture. The Baltic Sea isn’t known in Europe for its beautiful underwater life; that reputation generally belongs … Read more

Kriegers flak

I’m happy to be back on the Hanse Explorer and ready to head to the Baltic Proper and northern parts of the Baltic Sea. Our first stop on the way north was Kriegers flak, an offshore bank that is shared between Denmark, Sweden and Germany. This is an area of interest for offshore wind farm. … Read more

Copenhagen, Denmark

Today we have made landfall in Copenhagen after eleven days of campaign in the Baltic sea, where we have carried out several surveys in the Kattegat area among the countries of Sweden and Denmark. The day at port has been used to receive some spare parts of the ROV, which were deteriorated when it engaged … Read more