Oceana Ranger Expedition 2012: Exploring Ocean Depths

The 2012 Ranger expedition will document the deep areas of the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Our underwater robot (ROV) will take video footage and high resolution photographs of the underwater flora, fauna and habitats. The on board team will make initial recordings and in the next few months Oceana scientists will identify and describe recorded species … Read more

Doñana: What Oceana Does

Oceana has documented for years the seabed marine area in front of Doñana, with professional divers and an underwater robot (ROV), carrying out almost 100 dives between 10 and 105 meters deep. The analysis of the information obtained has served to identify the areas of greatest ecological interest and to substantiate the need for protection … Read more

Doñana: What Oceana Does

Oceana has documented for years the seabed marine area in front of Doñana, with professional divers and an underwater robot (ROV), carrying out almost 100 dives between 10 and 105 meters deep. The analysis of the information obtained has served to identify the areas of greatest ecological interest and to substantiate the need for protection … Read more

Doñana: Overview

The marine environment of the Doñana site is, as occurs in the terrestrial domain, an exceptional site for biodiversity. Situated in the gulf of Cadiz, at the confluence of special geographic, oceanographic and environmental characteristics, the marine area of Doñana is a place of enormous strategic and biological productivity. It is of great importance for … Read more