Climate Change

Since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been increasing, this has been closely followed by an increase in global temperatures. Global warming is an increase in the Earth’s temperature caused by an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases make up the blanket surrounding the planet … Read more

Deep-Sea Fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic

The deep-sea starts at 200 m below the surface, where sunlight does not penetrate – but where fisheries still operate, reaching down to more than 1500 m. Most deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic sprang up in the second half of the 20th century, after the decline of traditional continental shelf stocks, and with the aid … Read more

Canary Islands

The Canary Island archipelago is located in front of the coasts of the western Sahara, north of the Cape Verde Islands. Thanks to this location, the subtropical climate leads to the development of unique species and habitats with presence of tropical and southern species as well as a variety of autochthonous species. Studies concerning marine … Read more

Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Oceana calls on EU Member States to rapidly implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and take the necessary measures to restore and maintain the health and productivity of European seas.  Over 50% of Europe’s territory is covered by sea, but Europe’s marine environment is highly threatened by both pollution and the dramatic loss of marine … Read more


Despite being considered one of the planet’s most important areas for marine biodiversity, the Mediterranean (2,500,000km2) is practically in the same state as the rest of the world’s seas and currently only 4% of its area is protected. After analyzing the existing data Oceana has launched Oceana MedNet, the first comprehensive network of Marine Protected … Read more


Corals are animals or animal colonies that form complex structures on the seabed and are the basis of some of the world’s richest ecosystems. Corals have very slow growth (a few millimeters per year) and are an ecologically valuable habitat for many species. Calcareous create three-dimensional structures, which offers protection, food and breeding areas for many … Read more


As descobertas ocorreram nos desfiladeiros da Córsega e em várias montanhas submarinas do Mar de Alborán e do Atlântico Português Uma nova espécie de esponja foi descoberta no Mediterrâneo por um grupo internacional de investigadores, entre os quais se incluem membros da Oceana. Sympagella delauzei é o nome que foi dado a esta nova espécie … Read more

Oceana: Les ministres Européens de la pêche font une grave marche arrière en matière de gestion durable des stocks de poissons

56% des limites de captures ignorent les avis scientifiques Le nombre de stocks exploités durablement baisse de 27 à 18  Hier nuit, les ministres Européens de la pêche ont trouvé un accord sur les opportunités de pêche pour 2015 pour les principales espèces commerciales de l’Atlantique Nord-Est. Oceana dénonce vivement l’adoption de limites de captures … Read more


Der Kurzfilm, der nun zum ersten Mal in Deutschland auf die Leinwand kommt, ist ein Aufruf zu mehr Bewusstsein über das Aussterben der großen Meerestiere. Die Produktionsfirma Panthalassa und Alexandra Cousteau, Senior Advisor von Oceana und Enkelin des berühmten Meeresforschers, haben in Hamburg Sea Legend vorgestellt. Der unter der Regie von Andreas Roth gedrehte Kurzfilm … Read more

Oceana chiede che la UE agisca i veri “Muri della morte

La Commissione Europea oggi propone il divieto totale dell’uso di reti da posta derivanti. Le reti da posta derivanti per i grandi pelagici sono vietate per l’elevato rischio di catture accidentali di specie in pericolo. Oggi la Commissione Europea ha annunciato una proposta per vietare tutti i tipi di reti da posta derivanti in acque … Read more