Corals: Overview

Corals are animals or colonies of them that form complex seafloor structures — the foundation for some of the richest ecosystems in the world. Corals are slow-growing (only a few millimetres per year) and constitute a habitat of high ecological value for a wide variety of species. They create three-dimensional calcareous structures that offer protection, … Read more

Sea Turtles: Overview

Sea Turtles have been swimming the world’s oceans for more than 100 million years, persisting through natural predators, climatic events and even the mass dinosaur extinction. However, their existence on Earth is now in jeopardy from human threats that are proving to be too much for turtle populations to handle.

Cetaceans: Overview

There are over 80 species of cetaceans in the world. The total number is still unknown because new species of dolphins, beaked whales and whales continue to be discovered. In addition, the available information on their state of worldwide conservation covers less than half of the species. Protecting cetaceans  is an important part  of protecting … Read more

Oceana asks nations to stop overfishing tunas and sharks

Oceana denounces that the management of tuna and sharks fisheries is insufficient. Today, the majority of commercially important tuna stocks are overfished, some to the point of commercial collapse, and several shark species caught in fisheries are classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This week … Read more

Sharks: Overview

Sharks have been swimming the world’s oceans for more than 400 million years. While they have survived mass extinction events, sharks have not evolved to withstand overexploitation by humans. These top predators are in serious trouble due to heavy fishing pressure, shark finning and bycatch. Of the 307 shark species assessed by the International Union for Conservation … Read more

Overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction are threatening European Seas

Oceana denounces the severe deterioration of Europe’s oceans and seas and calls for immediate measures to halt the collapse of fish resources, the destruction of marine habitats and the pollution affecting its waters. On World Environment Day (5 June) and World Oceans Day (8 June), Oceana points out that European seas are among the most … Read more

Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Overview

Oceana calls on EU Member States to rapidly implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and take the necessary measures to restore and maintain the health and productivity of European seas.  Over 50% of Europe’s territory is covered by sea, but Europe’s marine environment is highly threatened by both pollution and the dramatic loss of marine … Read more

Bottom Trawling: Overview

The extensive use of Bottom Trawling and dredges  for commercial fishing causes more direct and avoidable damage to the ocean floor — including deep-sea coral and sponge  communities and other unique and sensitive seafloor marine life — than any other human activity in the world. Bottom trawls and dredges are so destructive because they effectively clear-cut everything … Read more

Galician Atlantic and Bay of Biscay: Overview

The area of the Bay of Biscay and Galician Atlantic is characterised by a combination of waters from subpolar and subtropical gyres. This, along with other more complex factors, means the area is important in terms of upwelling and downwelling. In addition, because this marine area encompasses almost 300,000 km2 within its territorial waters and … Read more

Canary Islands: Overview

The Canary Island archipelago is located in front of the coasts of the western Sahara, north of the Cape Verde Islands. Thanks to this location, the subtropical climate leads to the development of unique species and habitats with presence of tropical and southern species as well as a variety of autochthonous species. Studies concerning marine … Read more