Celebrities On Board

   Miguel Angel Silvestre, Actor Miguel Ángel is an actor from Spain. He’s starred in several Spanish TV series and films, including Pedro Almadovar’s “I’m So Excited.” Miguel has recently played the lead role in TV love drama, “Velvet.” He is currently appearing in  Netflix’s crime thriller, “Narcos” and stars in Jennifer Lopez’s music video … Read more

Fish Size Matters

Due to overfishing, the fish we eat are getting smaller and smaller. But what does that mean for the consumer? It means we’re eating baby fish before they even had the chance to become parents. So, when it comes to fish, size matters. FishSizeMatters allows you to check the legal and maturity sizes of fish … Read more

Add Your Name to StopOverfishing.eu

Stopoverfishing.eu is an interactive website that gives you the chance to show you care about our oceans and the threats posed by overfishing.   Show your support for the #StopOverfishing by adding your own fish to our ocean. You can add your fish with three simple steps: 1. Click here to enter the website. 2. Click … Read more

I paesi del Mediterraneo firmano un patto politico storico per la gestione della pesca

La prima vera pietra miliare nella gestione della pesca nel Mediterraneo precede la conferenza internazionale ‘Our Ocean’ prevista in autunno   Valletta, Malta – Oggi i ministri e rappresentanti di alto livello provenienti da paesi del Mediterraneo hanno firmato una dichiarazione storica per affrontare la crisi della pesca nella regione. La dichiarazione ministeriale, Malta MedFish4Ever, … Read more

Les pays riverains de la Méditerranée signent un pacte politique historique sur la gouvernance des océans et la gestion des pêches

Première mesure concrète vers l’amélioration de la pêche en Méditerranée, à quelques mois de la conférence internationale Our Ocean La Valette, Malte – Aujourd’hui, des ministres et représentants de haut rang des pays riverains de la Méditerranée ont signé une déclaration historique destinée à résoudre la crise de la pêche dans la région. La déclaration … Read more

Mediterranean countries sign historic political pact on ocean governance and fisheries management

Today, ministers and high-level representatives from Mediterranean countries have signed a historic declaration to address the fisheries crisis in the region. The ministerial declaration, Malta MedFish4Ever, will be the blueprint for cooperation and sustainable development of fisheries for all coastal states in the Mediterranean over the next 10 years. The agreement comes just months before … Read more

Almudena Fernández and Aritz Aranburu join the Oceana #StopOverfishing campaign

Top model Almudena Fernández and surfer Aritz Aranburu today announced their support for Oceana’s #StopOverfishing campaign, which aims to raise awareness about the problem of overfishing and ensure that European ministers take urgent action against it. In European waters, two-thirds of fish stocks are overfished. This means that more fish are caught than can reproduce, … Read more

Why there are less and less fish in the sea (and people don’t know)

Overfishing is catching too many fish and at faster rate than what they can reproduce and grow. This means that year after year there are fewer and fewer fish to catch and consume. Actually, this is one of the most critical issues facing our oceans. A recent report revealed that almost two thirds of European fish stocks … Read more

8 von 10 Deutschen wissen nicht, dass die meisten Fischarten in Europa überfischt sind

Schockierendes allgemeines Unwissen über die Misswirtschaft der europäischen Fischereien begründet die neue Oceana-Kampagne, #StopOverfishing Die von YouGov für Oceana durchgeführte Umfrage offenbart den großen Mangel an öffentlichem Bewusstsein in Deutschland darüber, wie schlecht die europäischen Fischressourcen verwaltet werden. Ein aktueller Bericht deckt auf, dass 64% der europäischen Fischbestände derzeit überfischt sind, aber die Umfrage ergab, … Read more