European fisheries ministers turn their back on the economic potential of fish recovery in the North East Atlantic

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council agreed tonight to allow continued overfishing in North-East Atlantic. Once again, ministers approved catch limits for 2017 that surpass scientific recommendations, ignoring the facts that 64% of European stocks are overfished and 85% are below healthy levels. EU countries have a legally binding obligation to fish stocks at sustainable levels … Read more

Fishing opportunities recommendations. North-East Atlantic stocks 2017

According to the information reflected in the European Commission communication and an independent scientific study commissioned by Oceana, fishing mortality rates in the NE Atlantic are still clearly above the committed levels required to meet sustainable objectives. This in turn is threatening the status of the stocks and leading to the under-exploitation of fish resources. … Read more

Towards the recovery of European Fisheries

To get the full picture of European fi sheries, Oceana has commissioned the most comprehensive scientifi c study1 ever made on the status of European fi sh stocks and their potential productivity if sustainably managed. The fi ndings of this independent study confi rm that only a minority of European stocks can be considered as … Read more

Exploitation and Status of European Stocks

Stock assessments are presented for 397 stocks in 14 European ecoregions, from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. Surplus production modeling was used to estimate fisheries reference points in a maximum sustainable yield (MSY) framework. Fishing pressure and biomass were estimated from 2000 to the last year with available data (2013-2015). Results are presented … Read more

First steps taken for depleted Mediterranean swordfish

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) finally agreed on a recovery plan for the severely depleted Mediterranean swordfish, which has shrunk by two thirds from the 1980s due to overfishing. The plan includes a modest reduction of catches and the adoption of a quota system, enforced by monitoring and control measures … Read more

Oceana urges the EU to adopt sustainable Atlantic fishing limits for 2017

Brussels — The European Commission released today its annual proposal on catch limits (TACs) for the North East Atlantic waters in 2017. Oceana considers the Commission’s proposal a step in the right direction but stresses more effort and political will is needed to eradicate overfishing. The proposal covers over 70 fish stocks, including commercially important … Read more

Oceana rallies insurers against IUU fishing

At an upcoming OECD conference on combating crime in the fisheries sector, Oceana will be launching a project aimed at mobilising the global marine insurance industry in taking action against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Recently published research has revealed that IUU fishing vessel operators are able to purchase insurance coverage for their blacklisted … Read more

Oceana recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2017. Baltic Sea Stocks

In advance of the Fisheries Council decision in October on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea, Oceana releases its recommendations for setting total allowable catches (TACs) for 2017, in line with the most recently available scientific advice and aimed at ensuring Baltic fisheries recover from overfishing before 2020. The end of overfishing is necessary not … Read more