Arriving in Napoli, Italy

At 5:30 in the morning, as the sun began to rise over the horizon — the Oceana Marviva Med is approaching the harbor of Napoli, Italy to re-supply the ship with fresh food and fuel. Under the bright yellow light, between the Isla De Ischia on the port side of the vessel and the Island … Read more

Discovering Marine Life

At 2pm this afternoon the Oceana Dive Team explored the underwater world around Isola Di Ponza, Italy. In calm seas protected by the leeward side of the island we descended to a depth of 100ft/30m for 60 minutes. In contrast to the last dive where I focused on the environment — for this dive I … Read more

Diving Isola Di Ponza

Onboard the Oceana Marviva Med, this afternoon at 2pm the Dive team loaded all the scuba diving equipment (scuba tanks, oxygen safety bottle, and camera/video) onto the yellow RIB (Rubber Inflatable Boat) hanging on a crane 15ft/5m over the side of the boat for a dive to Formicce — a short distance from the harbor … Read more

Masking Illegal Fishing — Covering Drift Nets

Anchored outside the harbor of Isle De Ponza, Italy the Oceana team of photographers, videographers, scientists, and environmentalists boarded the yellow RIB (rubber inflatable boat) to in search of illegal driftnet fishing boats within the marina. Throughout the day we documented approximately 10 fishing boats with illegal driftnets — that were covered under tarps to … Read more

Exploring Sardinia’s Marine Life

This morning the Oceana dive team traveled an hour and half to the most southern part of Sardinia, Italy to dive around Capo Teulada (Chia Laguna), near Cagliari. With flat seas and the most spectacular turquoise blue the eye can see — we descended into the ocean below the steep vertical cliffs that ascended into … Read more

Sardinia — Looking for Illegal Driftnet Fishing Boats

At 9am the Oceana Marviva Med research vessel arrived at the harbor Nuovo Bacino Di Punete in the South of Sardinia, Italy. Upon arrival our land based objective was to look for any illegal driftnet fishing boats docked within harbors Calasseta and Sant Antioco near Cagliari. In years past, fisherman armed with illegal driftnets onboard … Read more

A Wall of Death in the Mediterranean

For a moment, imagine a net that descends 100ft/30meters almost as deep as the maximum depth at which recreational diver can safely descend. The length of the driftnet extends for 12 miles/20 kilometers. That is equivalent to the length of a half-marathon that takes approximately two hours to run from start to finish — if … Read more

15 hours of sunlight (6am – 9pm)

On the observation deck at 6:10 this morning — as I looked towards the horizon breathing the mist of the oceans morning haze I collected my thoughts and relaxed as I observed the subtle yet rapid change of night to day and day to night. With calm seas, I watched the rays of the sun … Read more


At 10am under the bright sun and flat seas we were fortunate to enjoy a brief moment watching a pod of common dolphins and a little baby surf the waves in front of the bow of our boat. One dolphin in particular seemed to enjoy swimming upside down watching us lean over the bow of … Read more

Tunisia Navy Boards Our The Oceana Marviva Med

Early this morning, with calm seas, at 6 am the Tunisian Navy Warship stopped our vessel and sent a platoon of 5 men onboard the Oceana Marviva Med from a small inflatable boat. At the time we were heading innocently westward towards Algeria in Tunisian territorial sea near the island of La Galite. Over the … Read more