Aleutian Islands: Species at Risk

The Aleutians are habitat for several endangered species, including Steller sea lions, sea otters, short-tailed albatross, and humpback whales. Aleutian passes are also critical travel corridors for most of the world’s gray whales and northern fur seals, which transit the passes to feeding and breeding grounds. Corals The seafloor habitat of the Aleutian Islands is … Read more

Aleutian Islands: Achievements

December, 2008. Pollock catch levels reduced to protect Aleutian Islands Ecosystem Fishery managers reduced the catch level for the Bering Sea pollock fishery, the largest fishery in North America, by 18 percent to around 815,000 metric tons for the 2009 season. The new limit was put in place due to declining pollock numbers, and a … Read more

Aleutian Islands: What Oceana Does

Oceana works to protect and restore the extraordinary marine ecosystems of the Aleutian Islands. This includes work on a variety of issues in a number of policy areas, including: Protecting cold water coral gardens and other seafloor animals and habitats Oceana’s approach to coral protection is centered around gathering the science and other information about … Read more

Galician Atlantic and Bay of Biscay: What Oceana Does

The work carried out by Oceana in the Galician Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay provides new information about areas of ecological interest to expand the network of marine protected areas. As such, Oceana contributes to the achievement of Spain’s objectives and commitments, including the EU Habitats Directive, the OSPAR convention and UN Biodiversity Convention … Read more

Canary Islands: Species at Risk

The Canary Island government compiled a list of species whose catch is prohibited, including crustaceans like the brown spiny lobster (Palinurus echinatus), molluscs from the genus Charonia spp., fish species like the Gorean snapper (Lutjanus goreensis), the goldentail moray eel (Gymnothorax miliaris), etc., although this list was created only for commercial reasons. In addition, the … Read more

Canary Islands: Oceana proposal

The proposal made by Oceana and Fundación Biodiversidad (Spanish) includes 42 measures that address the EU’s requirements. The initiative aims to create a coherent network of marine protected areas (MPA)  that also protects a variety of species and habitats that are currently not included in management plans for conservation. As such, many threatened species are … Read more

Marine Protected Areas: LIFE+ INDEMARES Project

The objective of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the Spanish seas through the identification of valuable areas for the Natura 2000 network. The actions will be implemented from the 1st January 2009 to the 31st December 2013. The budget foreseen is € 15, … Read more

Marine Protected Areas: Spanish Inventory

  OCEANA´S CONTRIBUTION TO THE SPANISH INVENTORY OF HABITATS AND MARINE SPECIES In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and Biodiversity Foundation, Oceana has provided new exciting data about species and deep-sea marine habitats to the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity. This project started in 2011 and its  progress can … Read more