Feature: Protected marine habitats

Marine phanerogams, coralligenous communities and maĆ«rl beds have managed to achieve protection from destructive fishing practices. The biological importance and vulnerability of these ecosystems has been championed by Oceana from the outset. The characteristics of these ecosystems and their distribution in the Mediterranean are fundamental to understanding the importance of their protection and the giant … Read more

Oceana Ranger Expedition 2010: LIFE+ Indemares Project

The first stage of the Oceana Ranger 2010 expedition is to study the Seco de los Olivos seamount, also known as Banco the Chella. This important marine area is located off the south-east of Spain and is home to an astonishing variety of species and habitats, including cetaceans, corals, gorgonians and even rare carnivorous sponges. … Read more

Oceana Ranger Expedition 2010: Overview

The Oceana Ranger 2010 Expedition focuses on Western Mediterranean, where Oceana intends to research marine areas of ecological interest that need to be protected. Thanks to an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle), it is possible to film at depths up to 3,000 feet in order to assess the importance of these zones, the species living in … Read more

CITES: There got to be a solution

Despite the European proposal for the protection of bluefin tuna’s defeat, not everything is lost yet. There is still a little possibility to which we’ll hold tight. Today is a day for praying so there’ll be no meetings. We’ll take this opportunity to go out for a walk and clear up our minds. There got … Read more