Baltic: Maps

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Baltic Expedition 2011: Overview

OCEANA is launching a two-month research expedition in the Baltic Sea. This is Oceana’s first expedition in the Baltic, it started from Amaliehaven, close to the new Oceana office in Copenhagen. The objective of the expedition is to analyze the state of areas of special ecological importance in the region to propose the establishment of … Read more

Common Fisheries Policy reform

The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the basic management tool for the fishery and aquaculture sector in the European Union. The current CFP (Council Regulation 2371/2002) entered into force on 1 January 2003 and constituted the reform of the previous fisheries policy that established the fisheries guidelines of the previous twenty years. It was at the … Read more

How Might Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Affect the Oceans?

Many of you have inquired via Twitter, Facebook and e-mail about how the Japanese nuclear crisis is affecting the oceans and marine life. There are still a lot of question marks, but here’s what our scientists have to say. How it could affect marine life in general: The greatest concern for marine life comes from … Read more

Vote for Oceana

Oceana is participating in a fantastic contest organized by National Geographic Germany! Oceana could win 30.000€, a great help to support our campaigns to protect threatened habitats in wild areas: the Balearic Island’s seamounts. These seamounts are especially relevant for beautiful species like pilot whales, dolphins, and high-commercial-value species that reproduce, feed or interact in … Read more

Canary Islands: Maps

PROPOSAL OF MARINE AREAS OF ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE – CANARY ISLANDS   Proposal in Google Earth     Species documented by Oceana in El Hierro

Canary Islands: Video

This gorgonian, often observed in small groups, occurs off Punta de Teno (Tenerife) between 225 and 310 meters depth, forming extensive forests, as seen in the image. These dense formations create a habitat that provides shelter for many fish species and promotes the development of interesting biological communities. The bluntnose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus) usually … Read more