Our Achievements

In ten years, Oceana has achieved dozens of concrete policy victories for marine life and habitats. From stopping bottom trawling in sensitive habitat areas to protecting sea turtles from commercial fishing gear, our victories represent a new hope for the world’s oceans.

The Problem

The oceans are vast, but they are not immune to human influence. We have already altered or destroyed many marine ecosystems and driven million-year-old species to the brink of extinction. According to a study published in Science, less than 4 percent of the oceans remain unaffected by human activity. We are taking too many fish out … Read more

Our Vision

Oceana seeks to make our oceans as rich, healthy and abundant as they once were. We look to a future in which dolphin sightings are common along any temperate coast; in which mighty marlins, sharks and tuna are abundant once again; in which whales and sea turtles thrive, cod are plentiful on both sides of … Read more

What We Do

Oceana, founded in 2001, is the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation, protecting marine ecosystems and endangered species . Our offices in Europe, North America, Central America and South America work together on a limited number of strategic, directed campaigns to achieve measurable outcomes that will help return our oceans to former levels of … Read more


Oceana welcomes corporate, business and Institutions donors to provide support in either monetary or in-kind donations of goods and services. As a donor, your corporation or institution can sponsor programs, events and activities that align with your philanthropic priorities and social goals to meet strategic branding and visibility needs. Oceana invites corporations who share our … Read more

Oceana’s Initiatives

International year of Biodiversity (2010) http://www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es/habladebiodiversidad/ The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity to promote a worldwide campaign to raise public awareness about protecting biological diversity. One of the priorities of this important event is to encourage organisations, institutions, foundations, NGOs, companies and the public in general to implement specific … Read more

Regional Offices

Oceana has offices in North America, Central and South America, and Europe. Global Headquarters Oceana 1350 Connecticut Ave, NW 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20036 USA phone: +1 (202) 833-3900 fax: +1 (202) 833-2070 toll-free: 1-877-7-OCEANA email: info@oceana.org EUROPE Madrid, SpainEuropean HeadquartersOceana Plaza España Leganitos 47 28013 Madrid, Spain phone: + 34 911 440 880 fax: … Read more

Scientific Advisory Board

Oceana’s Scientific Advisory Board is a group of esteemed marine scientists who provide scientific support and guidance on Oceana’s campaign work. Daniel Pauly, Ph.D., ChairFisheries CenterUniversity of British Columbia Peter Auster, Ph.D.National Undersea Research CenterUniversity of Connecticut Charles (Pete) Peterson, Ph.D.Institute of Marine ScienceUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Les Watling, Ph.D.Darling Marine CenterUniversity of … Read more

Ocean Council

The Ocean Council is a select group of academic, business, policy and philanthropic leaders who represent and support Oceana’s efforts on the global stage. Members provide a wide range of talents and resources to inform and support Oceana’s programming and the advancement of our mission. Members Include: Susan Cohn Rockefeller, Chair of the Ocean Council, … Read more