Portugal: Natura 2000 Network

Like any other EU country, Portugal has to comply with European regulations. The Habitats Directive requires all Member States to establish Marine Protected Areas (MPA) to form part of the EU’s Natura 2000  by the year 2012, thus creating an ecologically coherent set of areas of whose conservation is of critical community importance. The expansion … Read more

Portugal: Gorringe Bank

The impressive Gorringe Seamount is located about 250 km southwest of Cape San Vicente. Its summit is located about 30 meters from the surface and its base is over 5,000 meters deep, so you can find a variety of species living in areas near the sea illuminated surface to those living in dark depths. In … Read more

Portugal: Overview

If any European country has the most ties to the ocean, it is undoubtedly Portugal. Yet, despite having the largest marine area in the EU, and the largest number of seamounts in the Northeast Atlantic, currently only three seamounts in this country’s waters (Banco D. João de Castro, Menez Gwen and Lucky Strike ), all … Read more

Oceana Ranger sets sail to the seamounts and underwater canyons of the Mediterranean and Atlantic

The two-month expedition will cover various countries and include work for the LIFE+ INDEMARES European project. Today, Oceana launched its 2011 Expedition with the departure of the Oceana Ranger research catamaran from the port of Burriana (Spain). The two-month expedition will cover various Mediterranean and Atlantic countries to study seamounts and underwater canyons. Despite their … Read more

It’s World Oceans Day – What are you going to do to save the Oceans?

We estimate that since the beginning of the 21st century, 70 million tonnes of fish have been caught and afterwards discarded dead, 110,000 hectares of sea-grass meadows that were home to thousands of organisms have been destroyed and 99% of the species in danger of extinction still lack conservation plans. The oceans are taking a … Read more