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Press Releases
October 7, 2016
Am Montag, den 10. Oktober, werden die zuständigen Minister für Fischerei in Luxemburg die Gesamtfangmengen für die Fischbestände in der Ostsee festlegen. Angesichts des extrem schlechten Zustands des betroffenen westlichen…
October 7, 2016
På mandag den 10. oktober samles EU’s Landbrugs- og Fiskeriråd til møde i Luxembourg for at fastlægge fiskekvoterne, eller den totale tilladte fangstmængde (TAC), for de kommercielle fiskebestande i Østersøen….
October 7, 2016
Måndagen den 10 oktober möts EU:s fiskeministrar i Luxemburg vid jordbruks- och fiskerådet för att fatta beslut om fiskeribegränsningar eller totalt tillåtna fångstmängder (TAC) för de kommersiella fiskbestånden i Östersjön….
October 7, 2016
Ministrowie pa?stw unijnych odpowiedzialnych za rybo?ówstwo podejm? 10 pa?dziernika na spotkaniu Rady UE w Luksemburgu ostateczn? decyzj? w sprawie limitów po?owowych na rok 2017 dla gatunków komercyjnych w Morzu Baltyckim.W…
September 30, 2016
EU gets tough on countries with poor marine protection
Offshore waters are the most neglected Yesterday, the European Commission ordered 12 EU countries to improve marine protection as they are not meeting their legal targets to complete the Natura…
September 26, 2016
Environmental NGOs urgently call for better protection of Europe’s oceans
98% of offshore waters remain unprotected under Natura 2000, Europe’s key conservation network.St. Julian’s, Malta. Environmental NGOs Oceana, Seas At Risk, and WWF urge the European Commission to be rigorous…
September 19, 2016
1400 km2 in the Balearic Islands protected from destructive fishing
Oceana welcomes the creation of fishing protected areas in the Menorca Channel, and the modest expansion of another area to the east of Cabrera Archipelago National Park. These areas will…
September 15, 2016
Kontakt: Dustin Cranor,, +1.954.348.1314Megan Jordan,, +1.202.868.4061Jenny Allen,, +1.304.582.2031Mara Harris, press@google.comOceana, SkyTruth und Google haben heute die öffentliche Betaversion von Global Fishing Watch freigeschaltet: ein neues Technikforum, mit…
September 15, 2016
Contacts: Dustin Cranor,, +1.954.348.1314Megan Jordan,, +1.202.868.4061Jenny Allen,, +1.304.582.2031Mara Harris, press@google.comOceana, SkyTruth and Google today launched the public Beta of Global Fishing Watch, a new online technology platform…
September 15, 2016
Kontaktpersoner: Dustin Cranor,, +1.954.348.1314Megan Jordan,, +1.202.868.4061Jenny Allen,, +1.304.582.2031Mara Harris, press@google.comOceana, SkyTruth og Google har i dag lanceret den offentlige betaversion af Global Fishing Watch, som er en…