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Press Releases
October 9, 2014
Oceana appoints Lasse Gustavsson to lead Oceana in Europe
Today, Oceana announced the appointment of Lars “Lasse” Gustavsson as its new Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the organization’s operations in Europe. Gustavsson succeeds Xavier Pastor, Oceana’s longtime…
October 7, 2014
Oceana: Commission’s proposal for sustainable fisheries in the Baltic Sea neglects cod
Yesterday, the European Commission finally published its management plan proposal for cod, sprat and herring which has been anticipated for many years. Oceana welcomes this step, as it is the…
October 6, 2014
Oceana documents rich biodiversity in the Canary Islands
With the support of the Biodiversity Foundation and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Oceana has conducted over ten ROV dives at depths of between 80 and 1,000…
October 3, 2014
Oceana: European Commission falls short with deep-sea fisheries proposal
Today, the European Commission published its biennial proposal on fishing opportunities for deep-sea species, for 2015 and 2016. While for most stocks the Commission has proposed total allowable catches (TACs)…
October 2, 2014
Oceana requests the annulment of the permission for new mercury cells in Catalonia
Within the EU, Spain is the country with the most mercury cells installed – an obsolete and highly polluting technology Oceana has filed an application for administrative review to the…
October 1, 2014
A plea for Mediterranean swordfish
Small-scale fishermen are the watchmen of the sea, the first to perceive any changes and the first to be affected by these changes. This is what the new Oceana video…
September 26, 2014
Oceana and Panthalassa present “Sea Legend”
The international marine conservation organization Oceana and the film production company Panthalassa present “Sea Legend”, a film whose world premiere coincides with the International Film Festival in San Sebastian, Spain….
September 22, 2014
Scientists on board the Oceana Ranger have conducted ROV transects covering the summit and slopes of these elevations which have a height of more than 2,000 metres.The seamounts to the…
September 19, 2014
High levels of seafood fraud revealed in Danish fishmongers
The marine conservation organization Oceana, the Danish newspaper Søndagsavisen and the TV program “Go’Aften Denmark” conducted a study revealing that 18% of cod sold in fishmongers is not actually cod,…
September 15, 2014
Oceana launches expedition to El Hierro island and the Atlantic seamounts
The government projects that El Hierro will be made into the first marine national park in Spain Today, Oceana launched an expedition with the support of Biodiversity Foundation to document…