Oceana launches interactive platform to calculate benefits of sustainable fishing

A new interactive tool launched today by Oceana explores the potential socio-economic benefits of European Union (EU) countries moving away from current fishing practices. The launch comes ahead of a fisheries seminar organised by the European Commission on 14th September, which marks the start of discussions on fishing limits in 2019 for the Baltic, Deep-sea … Read more

London Art Exhibition: ‘Changing States of Water’

The Hospital Club is pleased to announce Changing States of Water: a two-person exhibition featuring artworks from Pandora Mond and Emelie Salford on the theme of water, the impact of climate change on drought and supply, the threat to marine life and disassociation from nature in contemporary life, running in the Gallery from Thursday 6 … Read more

Transition to sustainable fishing could land the UK nearly 30% more fish

Oceana released a new socio-economic report today, which finds that the UK is losing out on the opportunity for more food, jobs and money from its fisheries. The findings, presented at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), reveal a possible 27% rise in fish catches (153,000 tonnes more) for the UK fishing … Read more

Oceana begins exploration of North Sea marine life in waters of five nations

Oceana is launching today its two-month expedition in the North Sea to survey important areas of marine life in the waters of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom, on board the vessel Neptune. The organisation’s second research project in the North Sea is generously funded by the Dutch Postcode Lottery and will … Read more

Stopping overfishing could see fish catches up 87% in waters around UK and Ireland

Research finds potential for 200,000 tonnes more cod, sole, plaice and other fish within 5-7 years An overhaul of current fisheries management could result in 87% more fish being caught in the Atlantic waters around the UK, Ireland and the north-west of France if governments stop overfishing, marine conservation organization Oceana has announced today. According to a … Read more

Why there are less and less fish in the sea (and people don’t know)

Overfishing is catching too many fish and at faster rate than what they can reproduce and grow. This means that year after year there are fewer and fewer fish to catch and consume. Actually, this is one of the most critical issues facing our oceans. A recent report revealed that almost two thirds of European fish stocks … Read more