Coral shelters. Monday, May 9th, 2005

The coral reef surrounding Bermuda acts as a protective circle to the island and its inhabitants. First, in a physical manner, sheltering the island from storms, as this ecosystem acts as a barrier where waves break off. “In fact, the most superficial corals are the most damaged after a hurricane”, Ricardo confirms. Clothed by this … Read more

Among Anoles, Cardinals and Great Kaskadees. Sunday, May 8th, 2005

Yesterday night, the wind and rain hit the Ranger’s deck area again. Nuño commented that the wind speed was at least 30 knots and it is expected to blow with the same intensity today. “Naturally, today we cannot dive either, but it is a sunny day, so we can explore some nature parks on the … Read more

Pioneers in protecting turtles. Saturday, May 7th, 2005

7:00 a.m. The Ranger remains anchored at the bay of Saint George. This first day in Bermuda is dark; rain and wind were pounding hard. Nuño, Carlos and Ricardo meet to analyze the situation and organize the work for the members of the expedition. The fact we were anchored instead of docked by the port … Read more

At the crater of the volcano. Friday, May 6th, 2005

12:30 a.m. Bermuda emerges magnificent in the middle of the North Atlantic, like a wavy line of rolling, green hills. There it stands, at a place with nothing around for hundreds of miles- except deep waters reaching down 4.000 and 5.000 meters- its sighting brought comfort to the Ranger’s expedition members. It has been five days … Read more

The Sargasso by the prow side! Thursday, May 5th, 2005

The Sargasso sea…. It is so diferent from any other place on earth that it may well be considered a definite geographic region “. By Rachel Carson. “Land on sight!” after months of navigation, Christopher Columbus’s caravels began to encounter large clusters of yellow brownish algae, on which small crabs and crustaceans of all types … Read more

Portuguese man-of-war, beautiful and dangerous. Wednesday, May 4th, 2005

The Portuguese man-of-wars we have begun to see are fascinating and dangerous organisms, abundant in these waters in the Bermuda Triangle, rich in Sargasso. Today, their presence has decreased a little, but once in a while someone on the Ranger still sounds the alarm: man-o-war starboard side!”, man-o-war by the prow!”… We see them pass, … Read more

Mar, like a modern Penelope. Tuesday, May 3th, 2005

In the open sea, at 350 miles from Bahamas, it was a remarkable sight to see flying fish jumping out of the water and glide over the surface, moving their fins so fast that they resembled a hummingbird. This morning, a tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus) came to visit, and returned in the afternoon. It is a … Read more

In the Bermuda triangle. Monday, May 2th, 2005

5:30 p.m. Just after we left Bermudas, the captain ordered to hoist sails and we are traveling that way ever since. The cold front that kept us from sailing away is behind us now. Fortunately, weather forecast is in our favor now.  “Weahter conditions are optimal, let us hope it lasts” –everyone comments. After sailing … Read more

“Farewell, Bahamas!” The Ranger casts off the moorings. Sunday, May 1st, 2005

During the seven days we spent in Green Turtle Cay, at the island of Abaco (Bahamas), the main objective for Carlos, Nuño, Bibi, David and Jose Carlos was to prepare the catamaran for the next leg of the journey. “Many of the tasks we perform onboard are geared to improve the systems, both while we … Read more

Celebrating the ” Junkanoo “. Saturday, April 30th, 2005

This is the last day the catamaran Ranger remains anchored at Green Turtle Cay (Abaco Island in Bahamas). We arrived here on Sunday, April 24 and since then, many things happened to the Oceana crew. As we are leaving, we are satisfied, because we have filmed Nassau Groupers, parrotfish, sharks…although turtles have been elusive. First … Read more