Legacy: Responsible Fishing
ICCAT takes important steps towards strengthening measures to combat IUU fishing
In June 2021, member countries of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)’s Integrated Monitoring Measures (IMM) working group met online to discuss and consider the advancement of ICCAT’s conservation and management measures. During this meeting, IMM members reviewed a series of proposals including those intended to strengthen ICCAT’s measures aimed at combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Among these was a proposal tabled … Read more
Oceana calls for strong political leadership to implement new 2030 Mediterranean fisheries strategy
Ahead of the adoption on 9th July of a new 2030 strategy for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Oceana is calling on fisheries ministers from the Mediterranean and Black Sea to deliver its actions without delay. In particular, Oceana urges ministers to prioritize the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems and essential fish … Read more
Joint NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2022
1. Introduction In October 2021, EU fisheries ministers will agree on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2022. As the deadline to end overfishing by 2020 at the latest as legally prescribed by Article 2(2) of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)1 has passed, all fishing limits must be in line with sustainable exploitation rates. … Read more
Realising the ambition of the EU Biodiversity Strategy in the ocean
The ocean is key to tackling the climate and biodiversity emergencies Life on Earth depends on the ocean: no matter where you are, you depend on the ocean and its unique and rich biodiversity for the production of oxygen, food, energy, and the enormous amount of heat and carbon it absorbs. Yet, as United Nations … Read more
EU and UK agreement on 2021 fishing limits: a promising sign of cooperation, but still falling short on the science
The EU and the UK have at last reached their first annual agreement concerning their shared fish populations, setting quotas for over 75 commercial fish stocks and adopting provisions for the exploitation of non-quota stocks in 2021. Oceana welcomes the willingness of both parties to cooperate but considers that some of the adopted measures fall … Read more
Oceana urges bold action to ban bottom-trawling in Europe’s ‘protected’ areas
Oceana is calling on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to support a ban on bottom trawling, the most harmful and unselective fishing gear, in all EU marine protected areas (MPAs). The European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) will vote on its opinion on the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy on 27-28 May. Nicolas Fournier, Campaign Director, … Read more
New Global Platform Connects Small-scale Fishers to Improve Sustainability, Livelihoods
A global coalition of partners working in and with small-scale fisheries has launched the Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub, or SSF Hub, a multilingual, interactive online platform to strengthen small-scale fisheries governance and community development. The launch of the SSF Hub coincides with the annual meeting of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s Committee … Read more
6 out of 10 UK fish are being overfished or are in a “critical” state
UK fisheries audit reveals status of fish stocks setting a baseline for evaluating future UK management decisions Oceana calls for urgent action to end overfishing to avoid the total collapse of cod The UK fisheries audit released today by the largest international advocacy organisation dedicated solely to ocean conservation, Oceana, paints a disturbing picture of … Read more
Oceana: weak implementation of EU Mediterranean fisheries law leaves sensitive habitats unprotected
Italy is worst-performing Member State, allowing bottom fishing to occur over sensitive habitats and in “protected” areas Extending the current trawl ban to within 10 nm of the coast or 150 m depth would protect almost the totality of sensitive habitats under the Mediterranean Regulation Following the release of the European Court of Auditors’ marine … Read more