Study shows fisheries council irresponsilility led to collapse of North Sea cod

On the eve of the Fisheries Council discussions in Luxembourg, Oceana draws attention to a new paper [1] co-authored by fisheries scientist Dr. Rainer Froese and resource economist Martin Quaas, linking the Council’s poor decisions and disregard for scientific advice to the collapse of North Sea cod. The international marine conservation organization is urging Council … Read more

Oceana statement on taxation of energy products Parliament vote

Today, the European Parliament voted on their consultation to the Commission proposal on the taxation of energy products and electricity. In addition to official aid provided by the European Union and state aid from Member States, European fishing vessels also benefit from a tax exemption on fuel. A large majority of Members of the European … Read more

Good news for some of the Spaniards fish Favorites

The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has launched a campaign to collect data on stocks and the ecosystem in which they live some of the most consumed species in Spain. Anchovies, sardines and mackerel among other pelagic species (i.e. fish living in the water column) will be studied in the region Northwest of the Iberian … Read more

Investigative journalists uncover truth behind decimated fish stocks in the Pacific

The latest “Looting the Seas” report by the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) was published today. You may recall a few months ago, we discussed their investigation into illegal fishing, seafood fraud and runaway subsidies in Spain. This time, they turned their focus to the Pacific Ocean, specifically looking into how European, Asian and … Read more

Nemo at risk: Finding Nemo’s marine friends in trouble

It’s no secret that Finding Nemo is one of my absolute favorite movies, and apparently, I’m not alone in this. Finding Nemo was the second highest grossing movie in 2003, right behind The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (another favorite of mine…but I digress). So it was quite upsetting when I woke … Read more

Fishing in the Balearic Islands: Artisanal vs. Trawling

The Balearic Islands have a long history of artisanal fishing. Apart from being a way to make a livelihood, this activity also represents a rich cultural tradition that distinguishes these islands from elsewhere. Unfortunately, overfishing among other factors, has led to a sharp decline in artisanal fishing in this archipelago. Pressure from industrial bottom trawlers, … Read more

Oceana Applauds ICCAT Decision to Protect Vulnerable Silky Sharks

ISTANBUL – Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, applauded the 22nd Regular Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) today for establishing new protections for silky sharks, the shark species most vulnerable to overfishing by Atlantic longline fisheries. The new measure requires that … Read more