New crew

Yesterday we embarked five new crewmembers: Soledad Esnaola, who crewed on the Oceana Ranger last year and who will replace Pilar Barros for a time; Juan Cuetos, a replacement for Houssine Kaddachi; Enrique Talledo, who will occupy the place of Jorge Candan during the month of June; Jose Peñalver, who also sailed on the 2005 … Read more

Last day aboard the Ranger

Well, this is my last day aboard the Ranger before I return to the Oceana Office in Brussels, Belgium. It’s as difficult this year as it was last year to leave the Ranger – three weeks of living and working with such an experienced team of people, all of which are completely dedicated to protecting … Read more

One frame at a time: Final thoughts (one foot on the shore)

Today I leave the Ranger and begin my journey home.  With my bags on my back and memories in my head (and on my camera) I take one step away from the Ranger and its crew, having taken enumerable steps closer. Over the last three weeks, I’ve had an amazing experience working with everyone onboard.  … Read more

Cala Galera

The day began very early. Although I am exempt from watch, I accompanied the captain on the first two hours from midnight to 2:00 a.m.  Our anchorage in Cala Galera, protected from the northwest by the Artgentario Promontory, meant that it was wise to have a watch.  The wind was blowing at force seven from … Read more

Today we returned to Bastia.

The divers have had their last dive in the area of Elba and have been extremely happy with the visibility and everything they have been able to document in this area. As Pilar said in her diary of her birthday, Miguel Bosé has been accompanying us this week and tomorrow he takes the plane back … Read more

Birthday on the Ranger and diving in Elba

The day began with the sun shining in Elba, a blue sky over Portoferraio. On the Ranger, we gradually woke up with the incentive of a green tin of assorted Corsican biscuits for breakfast. You see, today is my birthday. My birthday has always given me a special pleasure and the fact that on this … Read more

There´s more to Elba than Napoleon

At midnight we slowly pulled out of Bastia harbour. It was drizzling rain with a chilly wind, so since I was on watch outside until 4am, I wrapped up warm, put on my waterproof clothes and donned my life vest. I needed to hold on tight to stay upright as the night was not totally … Read more

Thanks to Diving colleagues met along the way

Again, with some blue notes for the diary: so far, the support we received from the local divers has been wonderful. The dive community always has a very conscious awareness of the underwater world and are willing to contribute positively to our cause. Stefano Schiaparelli, a marine biologist who contributes with the University of Genova, … Read more

Catching up on the “housework”

We had spent the week anchored in Santa Margherita harbour with access to the shore via the zodiac, but now in Bastia we are moored in the harbour. So beeline to the harbour showers for all of us to get refreshed and clean – on the Ranger there is only a makeshift cold shower on … Read more

One Frame at a Time: from Santa Margherita to Corsica

After a week documenting corals and ocean habitat in Portofino, Italy, the Ranger departed for Corsica. A majority of the crew, including myself, was taking a break ashore to get some authentic Italian pizza in Santa Margherita. As we sat down to order, with menus in hand, we received a phone call from Carlos. The … Read more