Illustrated catalogue of cold water corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from Alboran basin and North Eastern Atlantic submarine mountains, collected in Oceana campaigns

Along the Oceana marine exploration trips (2011–2012) it has been collected 17 species of cold water corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from deep Alboran basin and submarine mountains located South of Portugal. There are two new records from theMediterranean and also an important found regarding the enigmatic Dendrobrachia bonsai. The paper is completed by some images with … Read more

Joint NGO recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2018. Northeast Atlantic and North Sea stocks

The Pew Charitable Trusts, Seas At Risk, Oceana, ClientEarth and the Fisheries Secretariat provide recommendations to EU fisheries ministers regarding the 2018 Northeast Atlantic and North Sea Total Allowable Catches (TACs) that the Council will set on 11–12 December 2017. The groups urge decision-makers to consider the following recommendations: Meet the objectives of the Common … Read more

Et sundt fiskeri er en god forretning

Fiskebranchen beskæftiger 56,6 mio. mennesker på verdensplan og repræsenterer 17% af alt forbrug af dyreproteina. Den Europæiske Union (EU) er verdens tredjestørste fiskeproducent, men de europæiske politikeres misforvaltning af fiskeriet har tilladt overfiskeri gennem årtier, hvilket har medført et markant fald i denne værdifulde og fælles ressource. En undersøgelse iværksat af Oceana viser det enorme … Read more

Towards a coherent, well-managed network of EU Marine Protected Areas by 2020

This report presents the results of an evaluation of a set of national Programmes of Measures (PoMs) developed under the framework of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) by European Member States. The PoMs are the operational part of the MSFD and are therefore key to achieving and maintaining Good Environmental Status (GES) by 2020. … Read more

Fishing intensity in Mediterranean Natura 2000: How monitoring can support management & conservation

The increasing availability of detailed fisheries data, including logbooks and monitoring systems, enables the analysis of the relationships between fishing activities, their intensity and their potential environmental impacts at an unprecedented level of detail. In particular, from tracking data of fishing vessels, it is possible to derive information about the behavior of coastal fisheries and … Read more

Baltic Sea: Status and potential productivity of fish stocks

To date the European Union is failing the responsible man-agement of fish resources. Despite different international commitments, and EU framework regulations on sustainable fisheries, the status of EU fish stocks is still far from being considered as positive. A recent study (Froese et al. 2016), commissioned by Oceana provides the largest picture of European fisheries … Read more

Fishing the Boundaries of Law

The sustainability of fisheries is crucial for the livelihoods, food security and nutrition of billions of people. Fish is one of the most traded commodities globally, however, many of the world’s fisheries are in trouble. A large number of fish populations are fully fished or overfished and the global seafood supply is severely threatened, however, … Read more

Healthy fisheries are good for business

The European Union (EU) is the third largest fish producer in the world, but the mismanagement of fisheries by European politicians has allowed decades of overfishing to happen, which has led to a serious decline in such valuable and public resource. A study commissioned by Oceana shows the vast potential that could be unleashed if … Read more

Oceana’s recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2018 Baltic Sea Stocks

In advance Fisheries Council decision on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea, Oceana releases its recommendations for setting total allowable catches (TACs) for 2018, in line with the most recently available scientific advice and aiming to stop overfishing in Baltic fisheries before 2020. The end of overfishing is necessary not only to guarantee the sustainable … Read more

Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment

A comprehensive expert consultation was conducted in order to assess the status, trends and the most important drivers of change in the abundance and geographical distribution of kelp forests in European waters. This consultation included an on-line questionnaire, results from a workshop and data provided by a selected group of experts working on kelp forest … Read more