Oceana marks World Ocean Day with expedition to Alboran Sea

  An underwater robot, a flying drone, professional scuba divers and a team of scientists are documenting plastic pollution in the depths of the sea and bottom trawling in marine protected areas  The data gathered in the South of Spain will support Oceana’s demands for environmental action from key decision-makers Oceana is carrying out an … Read more

Seamounts: Giants in danger

Introduction Underwater seamounts are often referred to as oases of the ocean, as they are home to rich ecosystems living at various depths on their slopes, benefiting from ocean currents that increase biological productivity and attract other marine life. Used as ‘stepping stones’ for transoceanic dispersion of species, and as reproduction or feeding grounds for … Read more

Learn more:The Azores

The Azores is a key location for understanding the migration of sea turtles  in the Atlantic. All loggerhead turtles  found in these waters come from the laying beaches of North America and the Caribbean islands. The biggest longline  fishing fleets in this area are the Spanish and Portuguese, searching for swordfish and tuna. Other major … Read more

Learn more: Bermuda and the Sargasso Sea

This area is fundamental to the entire North Atlantic, although not many people know about it. It is an important spot for species such as sea turtles, where the young turtles recently born on the beaches of Georgia and Florida spend their “lost year”. In addition, crustaceans, the common dolphin, triggerfish, nudibranchs  and many other … Read more

Learn more: Bahamas

In the Bahamas, it was possible to document the environmental impact of cruise ship traffic. It is also an excellent spot for documenting wildlife, both on the surface — seabirds, marine mammals, etc. — and under the water. The Atlantic spotted dolphin, humpback whales  and coral reefs  offered other avenues for study and documentation in … Read more

Learn more: Coiba Island (Panama)

Coiba Island lies 120 nautical miles to the south-east of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica and just 12 nautical miles from the nearby coast of Panama. Intensive illegal fishing activities have made Coiba a highly threatened protected area. Coral reefs, humpback whales, pilot whales, killer whales, dolphins, sea turtles (who lay their eggs on its beaches), … Read more

Learn more: Cocos Island (Costa Rica)

Lying 300 nautical miles to the south-west of Golfo Dulce, this constitutes the largest marine environmental treasure of the people of Costa Rica. It is a spot that gives rise to considerable controversy amongst fishermen and environmentalists. The fishermen (longliners, trawlers, seiners) fish illegally in the protected waters, mainly seeking out tuna and shark fins  … Read more

Learn more: Golfo Dulce

Golfito lies to the south of Costa Rica, close to the border with Panama. It is a “sub-gulf” within another larger one known as Golfo Dulce. In Costa Rica, there is another gulf known as the Gulf of Nicoya, which  has traditionally  been regarded as a bottomless pit in terms of the abundance of fish. … Read more

Learn more: Strait of Gibraltar

This is one of the most unusual marine areas in the world due to the migratory routes of cetaceans, swordfish, tuna and other species, the heavy oil tanker traffic and the huge amount of concentrated rubbish. The Spanish, Portuguese and Moroccan fishing fleets all operate in this area.