Looking for cod

The first thing I want to do is say thank you to my fellow crew members for the sweet surprised they prepared for me the other day on my birthday. I feel really lucky to be here for several reasons, but one of them has to be because of the great atmosphere here on board … Read more

Oceana Planeteers

Back in the 90s, there was a TV show I used to love as a kid. Being here in the North Sea, on this marine conservation expedition, has brought back such vivid childhood memories of watching it. Each new adventure in the cartoon series Captain Planet encouraged us to understand and look after planet Earth … Read more

On standby

This is my second year working for Oceana and also my second year in the North Sea. I am part of to the ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) team. Our job here is quite interesting and has nothing to do with the jobs I have been doing before. Working, and at the same time taking care … Read more

Sunshine and mud

Today we woke up to a beautiful day in the northernmost corner of Danish waters. This is my first expedition with Oceana and I am excited to uncover what lies beneath the surface. Working as a marine biologist on board the Neptune is hard but rewarding work. You would expect that getting covered in mud … Read more

An unpredictable winch

The day rose with a calm sea and blue sky. I thought that was a sign of good omen for today’s dives in the deepest part of the areas we’re exploring in Denmark. But it wasn’t. The winch that operates the ballast on the underwater robot (ROV) got out of bed on the wrong side … Read more

Back to work!

First I would like to say a big Happy Birthday to Jordi! We hope you enjoyed the cake! After a nice couple of relaxing days off at Hirtshals, Denmark, we are back to work (unfortunately the good weather didn’t follow us). Besides stuffing our faces with cake, we managed to deploy the ROV twice, get … Read more

Expedition in numbers – from a scientific perspective

Today we’re moored in the port of Hirsthals, enjoying a day off after the Norwegian leg of the expedition. We’re half way through the expedition so now is a good time as ever to stop and check over all the work done so far, and to take stock of everything we have seen, documented, explored … Read more

The power of communication for the work we do

It’s hardly news that working in the field gives you the best possible opportunities to learn. It’s when you leave the office, you become exposed to everything that falls outside of the daily routine, i.e. working in front of the computer and when you have to deal with the unexpected. For the first time since … Read more

Ghost fishing

Thousands of pieces of fishing gear is lost at the bottom of the oceans every day, sometimes after becoming hooked on rocks and sometimes because they’ve outworn their use and people toss them into the sea. However, this abandoned fishing gear continues to fulfill its purpose for a long time.  We saw these deadly traps … Read more

Rich and abundant life in Norwegian waters

Mud covers the immense majority of ocean seabed, with even many rocky areas often covered by a thin layer of mud. They can sometimes be boring to look at, since the majority of life is taking place out of sight, underground. Worms, urchins, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, mollusks, crustaceans, fish…a rich underground life. There are … Read more