Blue Manifesto

  A rescue plan that works In January 2020, more than 102 organisations[1], led by five NGOs (BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, Oceana, Seas At Risk, Surfrider Foundation Europe and WWF), launched the “Blue Manifesto“, a rescue plan that lays out concrete actions by set dates to save our ocean and coastlines by 2030.  At least 30% of the … Read more

Celebrating 15 years of Expeditions

OCEANA: AT THE HELM OF OCEAN PROTECTION At-sea research is at the heart of what we do at Oceana. The data we collect lay the foundations of our campaign work, be it documenting the flora and fauna of a unique ecosystem, illegal fishing activities, or the invisible threats that our oceans face — such as … Read more

United Kingdom

Protecting Marine Habitats Marine protected areas (MPAs) are the most straightforward way to preserve biodiversity because each increases the endurance of the marine environment from the effects of harmful human activities and climate change. Oceana works towards a network of diverse and connected sites. Thanks to our expeditions—where we not only research shallow waters, but … Read more

Baltic Cod

Babltic Cod: Victims of Overfishing At present, western Baltic cod are being overfished and the stock is showing signs of very low biomass levels. The eastern stock is even in a worse situation — the entire population collapsed and a temporary fishing ban was put in place in until December 2019. Unfortunately, while the ban does help, … Read more

Marine Insurance

The Marine Insurance Industry: A Key Ally By refusing or canceling insurance to vessels or boats that have been blacklisted for pirate fishing, the marine insurance industry can be a key player to combat IUU fishing. This essentially cuts a financial lifeline for those involved in IUU fishing, so no false claims can be made. The … Read more

Protecting the North Sea

The North Sea is considered one of the most productive seas in the world, with a broad diversity of plankton, invertebrates, fish, seabirds, marine mammals, and other organisms that inhabit its waters and its seabed. It is also of great social and economic value due its fisheries, oil and gas extraction, harbours, and industry — … Read more

Mediterranean Sea at Risk

The Mediterranean Sea, or Mare Nostrum, is one of the world’s most important seas. Located between Africa, Asia and Europe, it is also a primary trade route given its strategic — and geopolitically — important location. Within the coastal region, the people inhabiting the area have had centuries of interactions with the marine environment. Extensive … Read more

More fish, more jobs, more money

The European Union (EU) is the third largest fish producer in the world, but a mismanagement of fisheries by European politicians has allowed for a serious decline of a valuable and public resource. Currently 64% of European fish stocks are overfished, with 42% of stocks overexploited in the North East Atlantic and more than 90% … Read more

Channel of Mallorca

The seamounts are responsible for the maintenance of a complex food chain, due to the different depths that can be found within the same area, and the changes that they generate in the marine currents.  In the Channel of Mallorca, a great wealth and abundance of species has been documented, along with dozens of habitats … Read more

Atlantic Islands

Located in the Rías Baixas, the National Park of the Atlantic Islands in Galicia is made up of the archipelagos of Cortegada, Sálvora, Ons and Cíes. Declared a national park in 2002, it covers a total of 8,480 ha, of which 7,285 ha are marine. It is one of the few Spanish national parks to … Read more