Bottom Trawling: What Oceana Does

Oceana carries out campaigns to research and classify marine habitats in the Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Once the data is analysed, Oceana scientists compile a formal protection proposal for the areas whose characteristics require it and measures are established to carry out and/or request the recuperation of the degraded environments.  Reports … Read more

Bluefin Tuna: Learn More

ICCAT The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is an international body responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and related species, as well as species caught incidentally as bycatch in these fisheries, including sharks. For more information about ICCAT

Bluefin Tuna: What Oceana Does

Oceana carried out expeditions on land and on board the Oceana Ranger catamaran and the Marviva Med in the Mediterranean, as well as fishing surveillance activities in countries like Italy, France, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco. Oceana develops its campaign primarily in May and June, the months when the tuna fleet is most active, … Read more

California Current: Species at Risk

Overfished species There are 62 managed species of rockfish (Sebastes and Sebastolobus) off the U.S. West Coast, which together comprise a diverse group of generally long-lived and slow growing fishes. Fishery managers have assessed the population levels of 20 of those rockfish and as of 2009, seven are considered “overfished” with three below the minimum … Read more

California Current: What Oceana Does

The main threats to our oceans, including climate change, habitat loss, overfishing, pollution and development all threaten the health and diversity of the California Current ocean ecosystem.  To address these threats, Oceana is working with scientists, the public and policy makers to protect the marine food web, to identify and protect Important Ecological Areas, and … Read more

Belize: Species at Risk

Green Sea Turtle Green turtles  in the Mesoamerican Reef region are threatened by fisheries bycatch, habitat degradation and the illegal harvest of eggs and adults on nesting beaches. While the harvest of green turtles is illegal in all of the Mesoamerican Reef countries, poaching of meat, eggs, shells and leather does still occur. In addition, … Read more

Patagonia: Species at Risk

Stony Corals (Scleractinia) Chilean fjords contain robust communities of solitary stony corals, which cover banks of the northern fjords at densities never before observed in other parts of the country. Three species of stony coral live in the fjords: Desmophyllum dianthus, Caryophyllia huinayensis and Tethocyathus endesa. Chilean fjords offer scientists a rare opportunity to study … Read more