Learn more:The Case of France

French drift nets known as thonailles were used to catch pelagic species, including immature bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Lion. This illegal gear was used with connivance and support from the French government, taking advantage of a legal loophole in EU legislation.  However, Oceana reported these vessels since the ban on drift nets came … Read more

Learn more: The Balearic Islands

The Balearic Island archipelago is located in the western Mediterranean Sea off Spain’s eastern coast. The archipelago consists of three major islands (Majorca, Minorca, and Ibiza) with other small islands. Inhabited from around 4000 B.C., the first real settlements developed with the arrival of the Carthaginians in 654 B.C. Currently, the Balearic Islands are home … Read more

Bering Sea

The Bering Sea contains the world’s broadest continental shelf — an elevated underwater plain — and the most productive fisheries in North America. As ocean currents move north from the Pacific Ocean and the Aleutian basin toward the Arctic Ocean, they bring nutrients from the deep sea toward the surface. This upwelling creates thriving seafloor … Read more

Learn More: Shark Finning

Shark fin soup was once an Asian delicacy reserved for the wealthy but with a growing middle class, shark fin soup is now becoming common fare at weddings, banquets and business meetings. A bowl can cost up to US $100, making the fins easily the most lucrative part of the shark. Since shark meat is … Read more

Driftnets: The Problems

Excessive impact on fauna: the illegal use of these nets by countries like France, Italy or Morocco involves the killing of thousands of cetaceans, turtles and sharks because this gear has a high by-catch rate. Illegality and fraud: the EU has provided hundreds of thousands of Euros in subsidies for the dismantling and/or conversion of … Read more

Learn more: Managing fisheries

The fishing sector requires comprehensive regulation based on the environment’s capacity to produce resources in order to prevent overexploitation and foster long-term responsible fishing activities.  The creation of marine protected areas facilitates the adoption of measures to manage the fishing sector by establishing fisheries, quotas and fishing gear adapted to the physical and biological characteristics … Read more

Gulf of Alaska

The Alexander Archipelago contains complex seafloor that is perfect habitat for red tree corals (link to above) (Primnoa sp.), a variety of sponges and anemones (links). Sea whip groves and coral gardens off Kodiak Island are home to a variety of rockfish, king crab (links) and other important species.   The rich continental slope dives … Read more