Learn more: Solutions

Solutions: Reduced Speed Overall, speed reductions are a quick, easy and effective way to achieve emissions reductions from ocean-going vessels. Given the recent increases in oil prices, speed reduction makes sense not only environmentally but also economically.  Emissions, especially those of carbon dioxide, are directly proportional to fuel consumption. Greater speeds require increased fuel consumption. … Read more

Gulf of Alaska

The Alexander Archipelago contains complex seafloor that is perfect habitat for red tree corals (link to above) (Primnoa sp.), a variety of sponges and anemones (links). Sea whip groves and coral gardens off Kodiak Island are home to a variety of rockfish, king crab (links) and other important species.   The rich continental slope dives … Read more

Learn more: Legislation

In 1991, the United Nations General Assembly put into effect an international moratorium prohibiting the use of drift nets. In 1992, the EEC prohibited the use of drift nets longer than 2.5 kms. On 1 January 2002, the EU approved a new regulation prohibiting the use of driftnets to catch species including bluefin tuna, swordfish … Read more

Learn more: Evolution and background of Marine Protected Areas

Historically, protected areas have had a strong terrestrial component. Currently, the European Commission fosters the protection of marine areas, in keeping with the Habitats Directive (92/43/CEE) and the Birds Directive (79/409/CEE). The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (9388/2/2007 – C6-0261/2007 – 2005/0211(COD)) includes the need to create new marine protected areas from an ecosystem perspective. In … Read more

Corals of the Southeast U.S.

In the southeast U.S., deep-sea corals (link) create oases of special habitat along the coast and are extremely vulnerable to certain kinds of fishing such as bottom trawling and dredging (links).   Both corals and fisheries are managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (link). In 2004, the Council responded to the convincing data … Read more

Failures of the Common Fisheries Policy

Fisheries management systematically ignores scientific advice and this goes against the principles of ecological sustainability and maintenance of exploitable stocks, which constitute the general objectives of the fisheries policy. EU countries have not shown the political will necessary to ensure compliance with CFP regulations. This favours the frequent illegalities committed by the sector both in … Read more

Learn more: Robinson Crusoe Island

Today, just 600 people live on Robinson Crusoe Island, the largest of the Juan Fernández Islands at 58 square miles. The islands remain one of the world’s great natural laboratories with a strikingly high percentage of unique native species. The islands are also home to the Juan Fernández fur seal, once thought hunted to extinction, … Read more