Folketinget forpasser mulighed for ambitiøs indsats mod engangsplastik

Kontakt: Naja Andersen, Politisk Seniorrådgiver  M:  +  E-mail:    Irene Campmany, Kommunikationsmedarbejder  M: +34 682.622.245 E-mail:    28/04/2021 Ny undersøgelse udført for Oceana viser, at danskerne mener, at caféer og take-away steder skal tilbyde genbrugelige beholdere til mad og drikke Folketinget forpasser unik mulighed for at sætte ind over for den overflod af engangsplastik, der er ved … Read more

Terms of Reference for a Communications Consultancy agreement (UK)

Closing date: 24 May 2021 Oceana in Europe is looking for a consultant to support our communications activities in the UK during 2021. In close coordination with the Oceana team, the consultant will influence UK policies in the fields of fisheries and marine protected areas and increase the visibility of the organisation. This is a UK-based, … Read more

Terms of Reference for a Consultancy agreement on Marine Protected Areas (UK)

Closing date: 5 May 2021 Oceana in Europe is looking for a consultant to support our Marine Protected Areas campaign activities in the UK during 2021. In close coordination with the Oceana team, the consultant will influence the management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the UK and strengthen coalitions with partners and allies, with … Read more

Terms of Reference for a Consultancy agreement on Fisheries (UK)

Closing date: 5 May 2021 Oceana in Europe is looking for a consultant to support our sustainable fisheries campaign activities in the UK during 2021. In close coordination with the Oceana team, the consultant will influence the setting of Total Allowable Catches (TACs), the implementation of the UK Fisheries Act and the adoption of new … Read more

A surfista profissional de ondas gigantes, Maya Gabeira, passa a integrar o Conselho de Administração da Oceana

26/04/2021 Surfista profissional Maya Gabeira ( © Pablo Garcia) Bruxelas e Madrid – A Oceana, a organização internacional de conservação dos oceanos, anunciou que a sua apoiante de longa data, Maya Gabeira, passou a integrar o Conselho de Administração da organização. «A Maya tem sido uma aliada e apoiante importante da Oceana há quase uma década. É para … Read more

75% af adspurgte  danskere  mener, at caféer og take-away steder skal tilbyde genbrugelige løsninger til to-go mad og drikke

Pressemeddelelse | 15/04/2021 Kontakt: Naja Andersen,, +  Irene Campmany,, +34 682.622.245   En undersøgelse foretaget af Kantar Gallup for Oceana viser, at danskerne i overvældende grad støtter reduktionen af engangsplast og ønsker genbrugelige alternativer. 90% af de adspurgte mener, anvendelsen af plast til engangsbrug bør reduceres mest muligt. Oceana, verdens største internationale havmiljøorganisation, har fået Kantar Gallup til at … Read more

Engangskaffekopper bør udfases for at undgå plastik i havet

Engangskopper er blandt de ti mest fundne plasttyper i dansk natur. Folketinget behandler lige nu lovforslag om engangsplast. Regeringen bør sætte et mål om, at  80% af alle kaffekopper er genbrugelige i 2030. Den internationale havmiljøorganisation Oceana opfordrer til, at Danmark udfaser engangskaffekopper. Uddgangspunktet er et nyt lovforslag fra Miljøministeren,  som Folketinget netop nu skal … Read more

Terms of Reference for a Communication Consultancy Service on sustainable UK fisheries and UK marine protected areas

1. Objective Oceana would like to commission experts in communications and environmental campaigning to support and elevate the communication aspects of Oceana’s Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Protected Areas campaigns in the UK. The consultant will develop communication strategies and deliver communications and campaign packages which promote Oceana´s messages on sustainable fishing and marine protected areas … Read more