Seahorses: A Race against Habitat Destruction

Of all the strange creatures that inhabit our oceans, seahorses are one of the most unique and mysterious. These tiny fish are among the few kinds that swim upright, winding their curly tails around plants to help anchor them against the current. Instead of scales, they have bony plates under their skin, and use their … Read more

Feature: Nudibranchs

Nudibranchs are a group of sea slugs that have magnificent bright colors and are known around the world for that. There are really few restrictions to what color these creatures can have. Mostly they are natives to more tropical waters but actually, 178 species have been described in Scandinavian waters. Anatomy & Ecology: Nudibranchs have … Read more


Corals are animals or animal colonies that form complex structures on the seabed and are the basis of some of the world’s richest ecosystems. Corals have very slow growth (a few millimeters per year) and are an ecologically valuable habitat for many species. Calcareous create three-dimensional structures, which offers protection, food and breeding areas for many … Read more

Feature: Marine Renewable Energy

Marine energy play a key role in reducing CO2 emissions of human origin, so its momentum and development is crucial to mitigate the effects caused by climate change. Currently, the only technology that has reached a level of development sufficient to be competitive as offshore wind (offshore ). But there are other less developed systems that get energy … Read more

Feature: Oil Slicks

Hydrocarbon spills in the marine environment continue to be one of the major threats to ecosystems and the species that comprise them. They cause direct impacts that can last up to 100 years, and they bring about a bioaccumulation of pollutants in organisms. Spills on the high seas can affect cetaceans, turtles and birds as … Read more

ICCAT: Where fishing is regulated for migratory species in the Atlantic

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) meets once again to decide the future of large pelagic species like sharks, swordfish, bluefin tuna and albacore, among others. ICCAT manages the so-called Highly Migratory Species in the Atlantic Ocean. These fish are commercially exploitable species that develop their life cycles in waters around the world, … Read more

Feature: Bluefin tuna

In the last decade, fisheries bluefin tuna have become very profitable due to the high market demand for sushiand sashimi . According to the latest stock assessment of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna and the Mediterranean, increased fishing pressure has caused a serious decline in the population and a drastic reduction in the spawning stock biomass. This has caused great concern for the … Read more

Species at Risk

A rich and varied biodiversity, composed by healthy stocks of marine species, plants and their habitats is crucial for the proper functioning of the Baltic ecosystem. Due to the special conditions of the Baltic, only a handful of the so called “cornerstone” species form the basis of the marine food web. Baltic cod is one … Read more


As descobertas ocorreram nos desfiladeiros da Córsega e em várias montanhas submarinas do Mar de Alborán e do Atlântico Português Uma nova espécie de esponja foi descoberta no Mediterrâneo por um grupo internacional de investigadores, entre os quais se incluem membros da Oceana. Sympagella delauzei é o nome que foi dado a esta nova espécie … Read more

Senior Accountant

Senior Accountant Location: Madrid Oceana seeks a bilingual Senior Accountant for our Madrid office.  He or she will provide support in several Banking activities like budget setting and compliance, accounting, fundraising assistance and accountability to funders.  He or she will, among other responsibilities: Ensure that Oceana’s accounts are  appropriately and consistently handled in compliance  with … Read more