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Portuguese Man-of-War
What is it? The Portuguese Man-of-War (Physalia physalis) is a siphonophore Phylum Cnidaria: corals, jellyfish, ascidians, etc.). This organism is actually a colony of modified jellyfish-polyps specialised to carry out different functions: moving, hunting, feeding and reproducing. The pneumatophore or float can be as long as 30 centimetres and its tentacles can reach various meters … Read more
Mallorca Channel: Overview
Oceana also completed studies on the most important seamounts in the Mallorca Channel, known as Emile Baudot, Ses Olives and Ausias March. These seamounts form the border between the Algerian and Balearic sub-basins, which are very different from each other, making this an area of characteristic oceanographic, geological and ecological conditions that constitutes a habitat … Read more
Portugal: Gorringe Bank
The impressive Gorringe Seamount is located about 250 km southwest of Cape San Vicente. Its summit is located about 30 meters from the surface and its base is over 5,000 meters deep, so you can find a variety of species living in areas near the sea illuminated surface to those living in dark depths. In … Read more
Common Fisheries Policy reform
The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the basic management tool for the fishery and aquaculture sector in the European Union. The current CFP (Council Regulation 2371/2002) entered into force on 1 January 2003 and constituted the reform of the previous fisheries policy that established the fisheries guidelines of the previous twenty years. It was at the … Read more
ICCAT: Overview
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is an international body responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent waters, such as the Mediterranean Sea. ICCAT is principally concerned with fishes such as tunas and swordfish, and is also responsible for species caught … Read more
Gulf of Mexico Expedition 2010: Route
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