Fishing in the Balearic Islands: Artisanal vs. Trawling

The Balearic Islands have a long history of artisanal fishing. Apart from being a way to make a livelihood, this activity also represents a rich cultural tradition that distinguishes these islands from elsewhere. Unfortunately, overfishing among other factors, has led to a sharp decline in artisanal fishing in this archipelago. Pressure from industrial bottom trawlers, … Read more

Curiosity, cod, and the Commission

As December quickly approaches, every morning when I head into the Baltic office, I pass a new Christmas tree on display in a shop window or welcoming guests just outside the door of a local bar. After passing a particularly tall pine this morning, I thought about how interesting it is that a tree’s age … Read more

New steps taken in support of a non- discard policy

Today , the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian fisheries ministers met with EU fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki at a seminar about the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in Stockholm. During this meeting they signed a declaration, announcing their intention to adopt a ban on discards. The prohibition for discards shall apply from 1 January … Read more

Oceana Applauds ICCAT Decision to Protect Vulnerable Silky Sharks

ISTANBUL – Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, applauded the 22nd Regular Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) today for establishing new protections for silky sharks, the shark species most vulnerable to overfishing by Atlantic longline fisheries. The new measure requires that … Read more

Oceana seeks protections for sharks and swordfish at ICCAT meeting at Turkey

Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, is seeking protections for sharks and swordfish at the 22nd Regular Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which begins today in Istanbul, Turkey. Without immediate action, Oceana believes that international demand and illegal fishing threaten the existence … Read more

Oceana recommendations for a sustainable management framework for Mediterranean swordfish

Management of Mediterranean swordfish has repeatedly been neglected to the detriment of the species. The ICCAT Standing Committee for Research and Statistics has assessed this stock as overexploited, with spawning biomass below sustainable levels and with 50-70% of catches comprised of juvenile fish. The complete absence of real management measures makes the Mediterranean swordfish fishery … Read more

It’s ICCAT time again!

It’s ICCAT time again! This week an international team of Oceana experts headed to Turkey to seek protection for sharks and swordfish, both of which are overfished, at the 22nd Regular Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Wondering why an organization that specifies conserving tuna is the place to … Read more

Reforming EU fisheries subsidies

Several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have engaged with issues surrounding fisheries subsidiesfor many years, including actively participating in discussions on EU fisheries subsidies and their reformsince the late 1990s. The reform of fisheries subsidies is also an important agenda item in the World TradeOrganization subsidy reform debate. While there have been some past successes in terms … Read more