Expert views on the EU fisheries package

Today, the European Commission is releasing its package of communications to protect fisheries and the ocean. Its content defines the European Commission’s ocean ambition for marine protection, decarbonisation of the fishing industry and sustainable fisheries management for the remainder of its mandate. Here we speak to Oceana colleagues, Nicolas Fournier – director of habitat protection, … Read more

New report: EU must accelerate transition to a low-carbon, resilient fishing sector

Solutions identified for reducing fleet emissions would help achieve climate targets Brussels – As the European Commission prepares to publish a strategy to accelerate the energy transition in the EU fisheries sector, a new report published today by Oceana looks into solutions to reduce fuel use to support this transition. The report finds that there … Read more

A pathway to decarbonise the EU fisheries sector by 2050

This report investigates technical and strategic solutions to reduce fuel use in the EU fleet sector and aims to support the energy transition of the EU fleet. There are existing solutions to reduce fuel use in fisheries, from technical solutions to more extensive changes such as phasing out the more energy hungry fishing techniques and … Read more

EU and UK turn their back on the most vulnerable fish

Today the EU and UK have reached an agreement on 76 catch limits for their shared fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea for 2023. The agreement resulted in an increase in the number of catch limits (also known as Total Allowable Catches – TACs) set in line with scientific advice compared to … Read more

EU fails to curb overfishing

The Mediterranean and European eel have proven particularly contentious issues Brussels – Today, EU ministers at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting (AGRIFISH) have reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for 2023 for populations managed exclusively by the EU. This includes 26 catch limits for the Northeast Atlantic, as well as fishing effort restrictions for … Read more

On the brink: The most depleted fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic

Executive Summary European countries have committed to restore and maintain populations of commercial fish species above sustainable levels. However, despite some progress made during recent years, the status of some fish stocks continues to be in a critical state. Thus, based on the latest available scientific information, Oceana has identified the over 20 depleted fish … Read more

BRIEFING: Recommendations for the management of forage fish in the Northeast Atlantic

Blue NGOs urge Council ministers not to let fish become a distant memory

Brussels – To mark World Fisheries Day, environmental NGOs created a visual reminder of how large and plentiful fish once were, outside the Council meeting of EU agriculture and fisheries ministers. NGOs urged the ministers and the Commissioner responsible for ocean and fisheries to return EU fish populations to their former abundance and finally end … Read more

Climate and biodiversity crises leave no room for error in fish talks

NGOs urge UK and EU to end overfishing and set 2023 catch limits in line with scientific advice Today the EU and the UK are starting formal negotiations for the setting of 2023 catch limits for their shared fish stocks. In view of the poor state of our seas, continued overfishing and the accelerating climate … Read more

Northeast Atlantic Forage Fish: Let the small fish play their big role in the ocean