22,000 EU vessels fishing outside EU waters highlights need for greater transparency

As WhoFishesFar.org discloses vessels authorised to fish in non-EU waters since 2008, a lack of official data on those operating in Africa under private agreements raises alarm bells. The recently-updated WhoFishesFar.org website has today revealed that 22,085 EU vessels have operated in non-EU waters since 2008. The list, however, falls short on European vessels operating … Read more

Bluefin Tuna

The bluefin tuna is a predator and, as such, is in the highest positions in the food chain, playing an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of the marine environment. Furthermore, because of its low reproduction rate and late maturity, at 3-5 years, this animal is very vulnerable to overfishing.  Scientists from the International … Read more


People exposed to high levels of mercury in fish can experience health effects such as delayed neurological development in children. Both the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency have advised women of childbearing age and children not to eat certain types of fish due to high levels of mercury. Elevated mercury levels … Read more

Seafood Fraud

  By any other name… Seafood fraud is harmful to the environment, rips off the consumer and undermines conservation efforts by supporting unsustainable or illegal fishing activities. It can take place anywhere along the supply chain, from the fishermen to the wholesalers, distributors and foodservice. The problem is caused by insufficient enforcement and control of … Read more

Deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic

Species living at these depths have adapted to a cold, dark environment, with few nutrients. As a consequence, they are characterised by slow growth rates, late sexual maturity, few offspring and long lifespans. This makes them highly vulnerable to overfishing, because their capacity to recover from depletion is very limited. Deep-sea rays and sharks are … Read more