Oceana rallies insurers against IUU fishing

At an upcoming OECD conference on combating crime in the fisheries sector, Oceana will be launching a project aimed at mobilising the global marine insurance industry in taking action against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Recently published research has revealed that IUU fishing vessel operators are able to purchase insurance coverage for their blacklisted … Read more

Pesce spada: piano di emergenza o l’Unione Europea deve chiudere la pesca

Oceana avverte che o un piano di recupero viene messo in atto con urgenza o per assicurarne il recupero, l’unica alternativa è la chiusura della pesca La popolazione del pesce spada è diminuita di oltre un 70% in oltre 30 anni di sovrasfruttamento Oceana fa eco all’appello degli scienziati per un piano urgente e immediato … Read more

EU Fisheries Ministers’ decision on Baltic cod is insufficient to save stock

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council reached an agreement today on fishing limits for Baltic stocks for 2017 including 5597 tonnes for Western Baltic cod, a 56% reduction of the current quota. Although for the European Commission this figure is in line with the Baltic Multiannual Plan (BMAP) for fisheries management, it exceeds scientific recommendations provided … Read more

Set crisis plan now or EU to ban fishing for Mediterranean swordfish

Mediterranean swordfish drops by 70% in 30 years from overfishing Oceana is fully behind a call for an urgent and immediate action plan to rebuild rock-bottom numbers of swordfish in the Mediterranean Sea and to safeguard its future in the region. The only other alternative to this is to completely close down swordfish fishing in … Read more

Why don’t Denmark and Germany want to save Baltic cod?

If you had power, knew that an important renewable natural resource was at great risk and the only way to save it was to temporarily halt its exploitation, what would you do? The answer seems obvious: a temporary sacrifice can save us from a far more drastic future. A state of denial only postpones and … Read more

Oceana recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2017. Baltic Sea Stocks

In advance of the Fisheries Council decision in October on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea, Oceana releases its recommendations for setting total allowable catches (TACs) for 2017, in line with the most recently available scientific advice and aimed at ensuring Baltic fisheries recover from overfishing before 2020. The end of overfishing is necessary not … Read more

OCEANA contribution to the European Commission’s public consultation on the “Multiannual plan for the fisheries exploiting demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea”

The entry into force of the new European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in 2014 was an historic benchmark as it defines the path towards European Union (EU) stocks recovery mainly through Multiannual Management Plans (MAP). These should be aimed at rebuilding stocks to Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) levels and implementing an ecosystem-based approach to fishing … Read more