Oceans on track to irreversible damage unless immediate actions is taken

The first decade of the 21st century has been a devastating period for the oceans. Oceana warns that unless immediate action is taken, the damage will become irreversible. The international marine conservation organization estimates that since the beginning of the 21st century, 70 million tonnes of fish have been caught and afterwards discarded dead, 110,000 … Read more

Scientists advise reducing Baltic catches for the first time

Today ICES, the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas published their advice on recommended catch amounts for Baltic fish stocks in 2012. Based on this advice, the European Commission will propose a Total Allowable Catch per fish stock. While around 60 different fish species are caught in the Baltic Sea for consumption, ICES … Read more

List of vessels authorized to catch swordfish riddled with inconsistencies and unrealistic numbers; hinders enforceable managementmeasured

89% of the entire Mediterranean Swordfish fleet belongs to EU member states – 71% belong to Italy – highlighting their clear responsibility to protect this already overfished species. Mediterranean swordfish are overexploited and yet are fished without any management measures, and as has recently been shown, without any clear information behind the reality of the … Read more

Mediterranean countries must adopt urgent protection for disappearing sharks and rays

With 41% of the sharks and rays threatened, the Mediterranean is the most dangerous sea for these species Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, urges Mediterranean nations to strengthen protection for threatened and endangered sharks and rays at the meeting of the Barcelona Convention which begins today in Marseille. This week’s meeting is critical for … Read more

Oceana unveils new evidence that Baltic Sea is heading towards collapse unless urgent, effective protection measures are implemented

Oceana experts are in Copenhagen to present first findings from expedition Today, Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, unveiled never before seen images of the Baltic seabed that highlight the devastating impact of overfishing, destructive fishing practices and pollution on the marine environment. The organization, which is currently engaging in an expedition to document the … Read more

Giants of the Deep

It´s widely known that whales are among the largest animals on earth. But what other giants lie beneath the surface of the seas? Unlike giant animals roaming on land such as elephants and hippos, it´s trickier to explore the vast and immense oceans – and so much remains undiscovered. Nevertheless, scientists have encountered a few … Read more

Seahorses: a race against habitat destruction

Of all the strange creatures that inhabit our oceans, seahorses are one of the most unique and mysterious. These tiny fish are among the few kinds that swim upright, winding their curly tails around plants to help anchor them against the current. Instead of scales, they have bony plates under their skin, and use their … Read more

What lies beneath: Mysterious species in our fascinating oceans

We all know that our oceans are home to a dazzling and diverse array of animals like dolphins, whales, fish and corals. But have you heard of ghost shrimp, giant spiny lobster, yeti crab or xenophyophores? These are just a few of many recently discovered species in our oceans, unveiled by the Census of Marine … Read more