Seven species of sharks and rays, protected in the Mediterranean

Good news for sharks: the list of wildlife species under special protection procedure just include the Mediterranean populations of seven species: dogfish, common Shortfin Mako, porbeagle, stripe candle, Malta, common guitar and guitar Blackbeard stripe. Thus, the Spanish legislation prohibits that bother them, capture or killed, and that traded with them Overfishing has wiped out … Read more

Oceana discovers new areas of coral on the seamounts of the Balearic Islands

The international marine conservation organization has also documented a great biological wealth in the funds of Sa Dragonera, which should be kept The international organization of Oceana marine conservation has published a report with the results of its 2014 Balearic Islands expedition, on the seamounts of the channel of Mallorca (Ausiàs March, Emile Baudot and … Read more

Oceana supports the protection of the sea surrounding Tagomago

Oceana stresses the need to implement appropriate monitoring and follow-up to ensure effective protection Oceana has shown its support for the protection of the waters surrounding Tagomago, Ibiza, making contributions to the proposal for a Plan of management of the resources natural (PORN) of the Town Hall of Santa Eulària des Riu to declare Tagomago … Read more

Five reasons why the Cabrera National Park should be expanded to 90,000 ha

It’s only been a few days since the Balearic Government agreed to take further steps in the process of enlarging the Cabrera National Park in the Balearic Islands, something that Oceana has been advocating for over the past several years. Any enlargement will of course be welcomed but to make a meaningful difference rather than … Read more

A dangerous swim for the Mediterranean

443 – This is the estimated number of Indo-Pacific invasive marine species that have entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal since its opening in 1869. These species have found the Mediterranean to be a comfortable place to live, but then, who wouldn’t? However, these Indo-Pacific species are not as accommodating as their new … Read more

Oceana celebrates the protection of the Gorringe Bank

Since 2005, Oceana has been working to get the Gorringe Bank, one of the world’s most spectacular seamounts, protected. They will now be included within the network of protected sites in the Atlantic Oceana commends Portuguese Government for proposing the Gorringe Bank as a Site of Community Interest in accordance with EU legislation. This unique … Read more