Mediterranean countries need to protect an area the size of Ireland by 2020

So far only 7% of the Mediterranean has been protected and deep-sea ecosystems have almost no protection. Tangier, Morocco – An area the size of the Republic of Ireland (71,840 km2) still needs to be protected in the Mediterranean, Oceana warns, if countries are to fulfil their international obligation to protect 10% of coastal and … Read more

International community takes first step for depleted Mediterranean swordfish on World Fisheries Day

Oceana welcomes long-overdue measures to rebuild the depleted and overfished stock, but the plan falls behind expectations Vilamoura, Portugal.-The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has today finalised its one-week long negotiations between 51 countries. ICCAT has finally agreed on a recovery plan for the severely depleted Mediterranean swordfish, which has been … Read more

OCEANA MedNet: A complementary approach for the Mediterranean N2000 in open and deep sea

The Mediterranean Sea is regarded as a biodiversity hotspot and a global priority conservation area. Despite this, it remains under serious threat (overexploited fishing stocks, pollution, habitats destruction, etc.) and y contrast, the current MPA network covers only a minimum percentage of its total surface. This MPA network is neither comprehensive nor representative, as most … Read more

OCEANA MedNet II 30 jewels of the Mediterranean Sea

Since its presentation in February 2011, Oceana MedNet has become well known in many international forums as a comprehensive and diverse proposal for a Marine Protected Area (MPA) network in the Mediterranean. This initiative would strongly promote the preservation of sea resources, as the current MPA network is poorly structured, concentrating on the Northern coast, … Read more

First steps taken for depleted Mediterranean swordfish

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) finally agreed on a recovery plan for the severely depleted Mediterranean swordfish, which has shrunk by two thirds from the 1980s due to overfishing. The plan includes a modest reduction of catches and the adoption of a quota system, enforced by monitoring and control measures … Read more

OCEANA contribution to the European Commission’s public consultation on the “Multiannual plan for the fisheries exploiting demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea”

Overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea is most commonly believed to have begun around the ‘70s (Quetglas et al., 2013; Tsikliras et al., 2013), when fishing efforts increased considerably due to technological developments that allowed fleets to displace themselves at a greater distance from the coast, fish at greater depths, explore new fishing grounds and thus … Read more

EU faces Mediterranean fish ultimatum

The European Union is now facing an ultimatum on a key fishery in the Mediterranean. Oceana has called on EU countries to stop all swordfish fishing in the Mediterranean unless an immediate recovery plan to rebuild stocks is put in place. Mediterranean swordfish has been reduced to one third of its size in just thirty … Read more

EU Fisheries Ministers’ decision on Baltic cod is insufficient to save stock

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council reached an agreement today on fishing limits for Baltic stocks for 2017 including 5597 tonnes for Western Baltic cod, a 56% reduction of the current quota. Although for the European Commission this figure is in line with the Baltic Multiannual Plan (BMAP) for fisheries management, it exceeds scientific recommendations provided … Read more