Overfishing rate back on the rise after a decade of recovery

Brussels. The rate of overfishing has increased in European waters, according to today’s report  by the European Commission on the state of play of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Oceana deplores this confirmation that the EU is moving further away from its legal commitment to exploit all harvested fish populations sustainably. To add to this, … Read more

Joint NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2022

1. Introduction In October 2021, EU fisheries ministers will agree on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2022. As the deadline to end overfishing by 2020 at the latest as legally prescribed by Article 2(2) of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)1 has passed, all fishing limits must be in line with sustainable exploitation rates. … Read more

Realising the ambition of the EU Biodiversity Strategy in the ocean

The ocean is key to tackling the climate and biodiversity emergencies Life on Earth depends on the ocean: no matter where you are, you depend on the ocean and its unique and rich biodiversity for the production of oxygen, food, energy, and the enormous amount of heat and carbon it absorbs. Yet, as United Nations … Read more

Oceana demands action by Mediterranean countries to end illegal fishing

Oceana calls on the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) to provide real protection for areas where bottom trawling is forbidden. The members of the GFCM, which include 22 countries and the European Union, are meeting this week to review their actions to tackle illegal fishing, ahead of its plenary meeting in November. “The … Read more

Oceana proposes fisheries management revamp for Cabrera post-expansion

To mark the 30th anniversary in April of the designation of Cabrera national park in the Balearic islands, Oceana is presenting a proposal for better fisheries management of the enlarged area of the park to be considered in the new management plan which will be developed by the park authorities. Our proposal, which includes fisheries … Read more

Protecting the unknown

If space is the ‘final frontier’, the ocean depths are no doubt the ultimate frontier. To this day it is hard to imagine, despite all our advanced technology, that we know more about the surface of the moon — hundreds of thousands of kilometers away — than of the complex ecosystems that inhabit the ocean’s deep … Read more

Unmanaged = Unprotected: Europe’s marine paper parks

Visit our online viewer to explore threats in European MPAs in more detail Executive Summary In the face of intense human pressure on European seas, a network of well-managed marine protected areas (MPAs) is critical for marine biodiversity protection. In 2018, the EU (including, at the time, the United Kingdom) declared having met international targets … Read more