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Press Releases
December 7, 2018
Oceana has seen evidence revealing that an EU-funded body, the Mediterranean Advisory Council (MedAC), aligned with a portion of the Italian fishing industry to lobby MEPs and postpone the latest…
October 29, 2018
The EU and Mediterranean countries have failed to protect critical fish nursery areas for commercial species that are already overfished, some of which stocks are near to collapse. Despite growing…
September 26, 2018
Oceana praises new political pact for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean
Fisheries ministers from Mediterranean countries signed today a historical declaration on a Regional Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries. The Ministerial Conference, organised by the GFCM and FAO’s Fisheries and…
September 21, 2018
More than 150 international scientists today signed Oceana’s “Mediterranean Statement” urging the EU and its Member States to end the environmental crisis in the Mediterranean – the world’s most overfished…
July 12, 2018
Oceana uncovers dozens of cases of illegal fishing in protected areas in the Mediterranean
Version française | Versione italianaOceana launched today a report uncovering 41 potential cases of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Mediterranean Sea using data from Global Fishing Watch. The findings…
July 9, 2018
UN alert: Mediterranean is world’s most overfished sea
A health-check report on world fisheries and aquaculture by the United Nations (UN) has revealed that one-third of global marine fish stocks are now fished at unsustainable levels and have…
March 9, 2018
EU’s new proposal fails to save Mediterranean
The European Commission published yesterday a new proposal for a multi-annual management plan for fish stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The Commission’s proposal to ensure the recovery of crucial…
December 20, 2017
Mediterranean countries commit at UN meeting to protect endangered corals
Mediterranean countries agreed today to legally protect endangered cold-water corals in the Mediterranean Sea from harmful human activity at a UN Environment meeting in Albania. The 22 members of the…
May 30, 2017
EU auditors expose serious lack of control in heavily overfished Mediterranean Sea
Today, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) published a damning report on fisheries compliance by EU Member States. Auditors visited Spain, France, Italy and the UK (Scotland), which represent more…
March 30, 2017
Mediterranean countries sign historic political pact on ocean governance and fisheries management
Today, ministers and high-level representatives from Mediterranean countries have signed a historic declaration to address the fisheries crisis in the region. The ministerial declaration, Malta MedFish4Ever, will be the blueprint…