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Press Releases
June 7, 2013
World Oceans Day: Conservation efforts largely ignore threatened and fragile deep sea
Today, on World Oceans Day, Oceana urges the prioritization of scientific research into overlooked and fragile deep sea areas. Despite a massive gap in knowledge of deep sea areas, destructive…
June 4, 2013
Consumers unaware of endangered shark liver oil in cosmetics
If asked, “would you spread liver oil from threatened deep-sea sharks on your face?” most people would probably answer “no” – yet many European consumers may do so unwittingly, because…
May 31, 2013
Unilever ends the use of shark products in its cosmetics
Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, is engaged in a campaign to end of the use of shark liver oil, known as squalene, in cosmetics products. Europe is a major…
April 30, 2013
Oceana joins forces with several NGOs to revive Baltic Sea fisheries
This week, the future of Baltic Sea fish stocks is being discussed at the Baltfish and HELCOM meetings in Tallinn, Estonia. Representatives and stakeholders from the region are gathered to…
April 23, 2013
National Geographic recommends enlarging Spain’s Cabrera National Park
Enric Sala, explorer-in-residence at National Geographic, has publicly expressed his support for the enlargement of the Cabrera National Park, based on the boundaries proposed by Oceana to José Ramón Bauzá….
April 17, 2013
Oceana welcomes EU Parliament adoption of Skagerrak discard ban
Yesterday an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament voted for a gradual ban on the discarding of unwanted fish in the Skagerrak. Oceana welcomes this bold step towards ending the…
April 15, 2013
Oceana calls on Bauzá to launch discussions on the enlargement of Cabrera
Five trawlers working on banned seabeds are the only opposition in the fishing sector to the enlargement of the national park. Oceana has requested, by means of a letter sent…
April 9, 2013
’Race for the Baltic’ campaign shines spotlight on damaged sea
‘Race for the Baltic’, a campaign calling for urgent action to save the Baltic Sea launched today. The campaign, which brings together a coalition of NGOs, businesses, concerned citizens and…
April 4, 2013
Oceana joins Cabrera National Park board of trustees
Amigos de la Tierra, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, SEO/Birdlife and WWF Spain have unanimously designated Oceana as the representative of Spanish conservationist organisations on the Board of Trustees of the…
March 22, 2013
Oceana proposes to increase protected marine surface of Baltic Sea to 20%
All proposed areas include vulnerable, threatened or declining species or communities which need immediate protection. Oceana is proposing new marine protected areas (MPAs) in order to enhance the status of…