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Press Releases
November 21, 2012
European Parliament to adopt a management plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea
On November 22nd, the European Parliament will vote to adopt a multiannual plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea. This species has suffered years of mismanagement through sporadic measures such…
November 19, 2012
ICCAT’s baffling contradiction: precaution on bluefin, abandonment of sharks
Agadir (Morocco) – As the annual ICCAT Meeting closes its doors today, Oceana, an official observer at the meeting, welcomes the steps taken for Eastern bluefin tuna management in 2013,…
November 16, 2012
Internal report by the balearic regional government recommends enlargement of Cabrera National Park
The seabeds which attract most attention due to their extraordinary wealth are coralligenous seabeds, where illegal trawling is being performed. The authors of the report request that trawling activities move…
November 7, 2012
Oceana: EU could open bluefin Pandora’s box by calling for higher catches
Today, the European Union has resumed negotiations on a common EU position for the next ICCAT meeting, which takes place next week in Agadir (Morocco). Scientists have called for a…
October 29, 2012
NGO coalition calls for better protection on the Danish marine environment
The organizations are pushing to appoint three new large and coherent marine protected areas that have stricter protection than the current marine Natura 2000 sites.The report, co-authored by Oceana, describes…
October 23, 2012
Fisheries Council takes welcomed steps towards sustainable Baltic Sea fisheries
Yesterday, the Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers discussed the 2013 fishing opportunities for the Baltic Sea in Luxembourg. Oceana is pleased with the Council decisions on cod, plaice, herring and sprat…
October 9, 2012
EU parlamentarians bend to industry pressure, water down EU offshore oil gas safety law
Oceana is appalled by the vote of the Industry, Transport, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee of the European Parliament, which adopted this morning its report on the proposal for a…
October 4, 2012
Deepsea shark liver oil is becoming latest marine gold for pirates
Loophole in EU law allows shark liver oil captured illegally around the world to reach EU consumers as Omega-3.Oceana has called upon the European Commission to amend weak EU laws…
September 28, 2012
United Nations backs global call for landing sharks with fins attached
Oceana commends signatories to the United Nations Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks (MoU), for further emphasising the importance of landing sharks…
September 20, 2012
Oceana blasts danish goverment approval of damaging mussel dredging in marine protected areas
Oceana is deeply disappointed in the Danish Government’s recent approval of blue mussel fisheries inside two Natura 2000 sites in the Limfjord, Denmark. This decision puts both areas, which have…